welCoMe to Your new garden HouSe
The BIKE-BOX is assembled simply and securely from prefabricated elements. It is
important to work precisely, observing the specified dimensions. Please follow the
construction steps exactly and carefully pre-drill all screw connections. The
drawings indicate all details and the exact measurements. After attaching the
impregnated foundation frame to the foundation surface, the rear wall made up of
wall profiles and the pre-assembled gable panel are first mounted on two corner
strips exactly according to the drawing. If necessary, adjust the height of the tongue
and groove of the wall profiles so that the surface can be properly closed. Set the
rear panel on the foundation frame, secure it and at the same time, for stabilisation,
fit the first 3 side wall profiles and screw them to the rear panel and foundation
frame. Pre-mount the front wall with loosely inserted door frame strips, set it up and
connect everything together securely in the corners using the frame strips. Always
align the wall elements exactly at right angles and vertically.
wall eleMentS
It is essential to pre-assemble the rear wall and front wall exactly according to the
drawing in order to ensure the correct fit and stability of the entire construction. The
wall profiles of the side walls are then fitted profile by profile and fastened securely,
with the upper angled terminating profiles and gables exactly flush with each other.
If necessary, adjust the height of the tongue and groove profiles as well.
After inserting the purlin, align the entire structure once again at right angles
and vertically. The roof profiles ensure final stability. Make sure that the profiles have
a stable support and fastening and do not insert them too tightly, but allow a little
‚play' in the tongue and groove so that the wood can ‚work' as temperature and
humidity change.
Again, the exact dimensions are important. Align and fix the frame strips at
right angles, then fit and install the prefabricated door element exactly according to
the drawing.
Fit the cladding boards at the corners and screw them in place. This provides
additional final stability, especially for the front wall. Mount the wind bracing boards,
cornice boards, eave boards etc.
rooF CoVering
Never use just roofing felt without an underlay. Pinned roofing felt is unsuitable
because it becomes brittle. Only use high-quality and durable roofing materials plus
rain guttering for reliable water drainage. The BIKE-BOX is particularly vulnerable to
waterlogging in the floor area due to the completely supported foundation frame.
Only reliable protection against moisture guarantees a long useful life.
Regular visual inspections, re-varnishing, avoid waterlogging, and always
ensure good wood protection and safe, durable roofing.
Kiehn-Holz GmbH
Braaker Grund 1 · D 22145 Braak
AAL_KH 19-019_131020_TB_(INT)