2. During the setting state
a. First displaying PW:*** and input the password: from factory it is 888;
b. Press ENTER to entering into the setting state after inputting the right
password: then you can Edit (messages, speed, bright of display), make a
runlist or fix a new password (NP).
c. Press the up and down buttons to switch the menu: Edit:? / Runlist/NP: ***
(new password);
input the letter A-Z (possible different messages) and press ENTER to
start to set up:
Speed: ?. input the number (1-6) to change the stage of speed; then press
ENTER to confirm.
Bright: ?. detail the corresponding number and press ENTER to confirm.
Method of display setting, press the up and down to change the moving
method, and then press ENTER to confirm.
Editing characters: Input the message you want to display. You can use
the following buttons: Press CAP to switch between capital and lowercase
(press once for capital letters, and one more time to use normal letters),
press SHT to insert the symbols over the letters and numbers, Press F1 to
switch between English and Russian, and finally Press F2 display CLR? And
press N to return the inputting state, or press Y to exit after clearing the
current message. You will have to use the
and select the letter you want to edit. Press DEL to delete the current
character, press INS to insert a blank space. Finally, when you are ready,
press ENTER to save and exit.
: press ENTER to enter and edit run list of messages; press left or right
to move the place of edit, press INS/DEL to insert or delete the run list, and the
input (A-Z) ,max 26. You could repeat or disorder (for example, BSCZY), and
the press ENTER to save and exit.
You can fix a new password of 3 letters or numbers, and then press
ENTER to save and exit.
to move the cursor