Behringer 140 DUAL ENVELOPE/LFO Guia De Inicio Rapido página 3

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(3) (4) (5) (6)
(9) (10)
MANUAL GATE – Press and hold
to start the envelope cycle.
EXT GATE – Connect a gate signal
to control the envelope cycle.
ATTACK TIME – Adjusts the rate
at which the envelope reaches its
peak voltage.
DECAY TIME – Adjusts the rate at
which the envelope decays from
its peak level to its designated
sustain level.
SUSTAIN LEVEL – Controls the
level at which the envelope
remains after its peak but before
release, sustaining as long as
the input signal is present or the
manual gate switch is held down.
RELEASE TIME – Controls how
quickly the envelope falls after the
input signal stops or the manual
gate switch is released.
ENV OUTPUTS – Send up to 2
positive waveforms and a negative
waveform to other modules via
these output connectors.
FREQ RANGE – Sets the
oscillating frequency range of the
LFO in 3 steps.
Quick Start Guide
FREQ – Manually sets the
oscillating frequency of the LFO.
DELAY – Sets the time from when
a trigger signal is received until
the LFO begins operating again.
FREQ CV IN – Accepts voltage for
controlling the LFO frequency with
an external source.
TRIGGER - Connect a trigger
signal to turn the LFO off until
the end of the trigger cycle.
This works along with the Delay
slider, and the LFO recovery takes
about 20 seconds. The rear panel
features a jumper that can be
removed if you don't want the LFO
to be re-triggered.
OUTPUT LEVEL – Selects between
standard or 1/10th output level for
the LFO OUT jacks.
WAVEFORM – Select between
sine, triangle, pulse, sawtooth
or reverse sawtooth for the LFO
waveform output.
LFO OUT – Sends the LFO output
to other modules. The upper jack is
non-inverting and the lower jacks
is inverting.


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