- Backup: to back up the router settings on a PC file.
- Update: to update the router settings from the back up file on the PC.
- Restore Default Settings: to restore default settings on the router.
3.3.2 System Log
The System Log dialog allows you to view the System Log and configure
the System Log options
3.3.3 Access Control
- Services: a Service Control List enables or disables services from being
- IP Address: the IP Address Access Control mode, if enabled, permits
access to local management services from IP addresses contained in the
Access Control List. If the Access Control mode is disabled, the system will
not validate IP addresses for incoming packets.
- Passwords: access to your Router is controlled through 3 user accounts:
admin, support, and user. The user name "admin" has unrestricted access
to change and view configuration of the router. The user name "support" is
used to allow an ISP technician to access your Router for maintenance and
to run diagnostics. The user name "user" can access the Router, view confi-
guration settings and statistics, as well as, update the router's software.
Use the fields to enter up to 16 characters and click "Apply" to change or
create passwords (Note passwords cannot contain a space).