Sky Lantern manual
How to send your sky lantern to the sky
1. Carefully take out your lantern (remember the material is delicate)
2. Make sure the fuel cell is firmly in place in the centre of the cross wire and rests on the
cross wires
3. Unfold the sky lantern
4. Have your lighter ready (do not use matches)
5. Hold on to the lantern at the top while another person holds the bottom and ignites the fuel
6. Wait until the lantern is completely full of hot air (the fuel cell must be completely alight) to
release your sky lantern.
7. Hold the base firmly while the other person releases the top and raise the lantern high up
before releasing completely
8. Enjoy the beautiful sight
1. Not suitable for children under 18. Children must be supervised by adults
2. Always keep a bucket of water or fire extinguisher close by when sending up your sky
3. Send up your lantern in calm weather conditions
4. Do not send up your lanterns near houses or trees or anything that may easily catch fire
5. Only send up sky lanterns where permitted (not close to airports etc.)
6. Remember to apply for approval to send up your sky lanterns if applicable
7. Sky lanterns cannot lift more weight than themselves – so do not tie anything on to them