Icon in Display
The Smart Sharps Bin displays your
"On-Time" personal adherence score and the
date of your next scheduled injection.
Note: Before your first use, enter your
treatment details in the companion app.
Your Smart Sharps Bin system will sync
within 15 minutes. The adherence score
displays 0% until you make your first
"on-time" deposit.
Push the snooze button to view the injection
site rotation screen. Pushing the snooze
button will also light up the LCD screen after
the unit is idle.
After you take your injection, dispose of your
used injectors into
the Sharps Drops Door,
wait for the camera flash, and then close the
door. The "Well Done" screen let's you know
that your injection has been recorded and
your records will be updated.
When the red inner sharps bin is reaching
capacity, we will automatically send a
replacement bin along with a prepaid box
to safely ship the full bin back. Push the
Snooze Button to clear this message and
continue to make drops.
When the inner sharps bin is full, the Smart
Sharps Bin screen will display "Bin Full".
See detailed instructions below for swapping
out the inner sharps bin and using the
prepaid HB Mailback service.
The "No bin detected" screen will appear
when the inner sharps bin has been removed.
Simply replace the inner sharps bin and close
the Smart Sharps Bin Side Door to clear the