Protectfuel System - Craftsman 580.327360 Instrucciones De Uso

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The generator should b estarted a tleast o nce every s even
days and aiiowed to runatieast 30minutes, if thiscannot be
done and youmust s tore theunit f ormore than30days, use
thefollowing i nformation asa guide toprepare itforstorage.
LongTerm Storage Instructions
It is important to prevent gum deposits from forming in
essentiai fuei system parts, such as the carburetor, fue! fiiter,
fuel hose or tank during storage. Aiso, experience indicates
that aicohoI=blendedfuels (catied gasohol, ethanoi or
methanol) can attract moisture, which ieads to separation
and formation of acids during storage. Acidic fuet can
damagethe fuel system of an engine while in storage.
FueIand its vapors are extremely flammable and
Fire or explosion can cause severe burns or
* Storeawayfrom furnacesstoves,water heaters, c lothesdryers
or otherappliances t hat havepilotlight or otherignitionsource
because theycanignitefuel vapors.
o Turngenerator O FF and let it coolat least2 minutesbefore
removing fuel cap.Loosencapslowlyto relievepressure in
o Drainfueltank outdoors.
o Keep fuel awayfrom sparks,openflarnes,pilot lights,heat,and
, DONOTlighta cigaretteor smoke.
ProtectFuel System
FilIthe fueI tank with fresh fuet allowing at least 1.5" of tank
space for fuel expansion as shown on page 8, when using a
fuei preserver cartridge with the fresh start fuei cap. if onty
partiatiy fiiied, air in the tank wiii promote fuei deterioration
during storage. Engine and fuel can be stored up to 6 months
with fuei preserver.
° Check level of fueI preserver cartridge. FueI preserver is
dark in color.
° If cartridge is atmost empty or empty, repiace with a
new fuei preserver cartridge following the instructions
in Fresh StartTM Fuel Cap.
If fueI preserver is not used, remove ali fuel from tank and
run engine until it stops from lack of fuel.
Whiie engine is still warm, drain oii from crankcase. Refill
with recommended grade. See ChangingEngine 0//'.
Oil Cylinder Sore
° Removespark plug and pour about 1 ounce (30mI) of
clean engine oil into the cylinder.
o Instati spark plug and crank slowly to distribute oil.
1. Cieangenerator as out%ed in Generator C/'eaning.
2, Checkthat cooiing air siots and openings on generator
are open and unobstructed,
Unintentional sparking can resuit in fire or
electric shock,
o NEVER crankengine with sparkplug removed.
Other Storage Tips
1= DO NOTstore fuei from one season to another unless it
has beentreated as described in Protect FuelSystem=
2= Repiacefuei can if it starts to rust=Contaminated fuel
will cause engine problems=
3= If possible, store unit indoors and cover it to give
protection from dust and dirt=
4= Cover unit with a suitable protective cover that does not
retain moisture.
covers can be flammable,
DONOTplacea storagecoverovera hotgenerator.
Letequipment c oolfor a sufficienttime beforeplacingthecover
on the equiprnent.
5. Store generator in clean, dry area.


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