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Tabla De Contenido - Paso AW5512 Instrucciones De Uso


1.1 Pannello frontale ............................................................. 3
1.2 Pannello posteriore ......................................................... 3
2.1 Note di sicurezza ............................................................. 3
2.2 Alimentazione .................................................................. 4
3.1 Criteri generali ................................................................ 4
3.2 Ingresso/uscita di linea ................................................... 4
3.3 Ingresso telefonico ......................................................... 4
3.4 Uscita 'Music On Hold' (MOH) ........................................... 4
3.5 Collegamento alle postazioni ........................................... 5
3.6 Selezione di zone d'ascolto .............................................. 6
3.8 Uscite di potenza ............................................................ 6
Sistemi a bassa impedenza .................................. 7
Sistemi a tensione costante ................................. 7
4.1 Accensione .............................................................................. 8
4.2 Controllo di volume principale .................................................. 8
4.3 Correzione acustica ................................................................. 8
- Controllo toni bassi (BASS) .................................................... 8
- Controllo toni acuti (TREBLE) ................................................. 8
4.4 Sovraccarico e protezione ....................................................... 8
Caratteristiche tecniche ........................................................ 9
Questo prodotto è garantito esente da difetti nelle sue materie prime e
nel suo montaggio; il periodo di garanzia è regolamentato dalle norme
vigenti. La Paso riparerà gratuitamente il prodotto difettoso qui garantito
se il difetto risulterà essersi verificato durante l'uso normale; la garanzia
non si estende quindi a prodotti usati ed installati in modo errato,
danneggiati meccanicamente, danneggiati da liquidi o da agenti
atmosferici. Il prodotto, risultato difettoso, dovrà essere inviato alla
Paso franco di spese di spedizione e ritorno. Questa garanzia non ne
comprende altre, esplicite od implicite, e non comprende danni o incidenti
conseguenti a persone o cose. Contattare i distributori PASO della zona
per maggiori informazioni sulla garanzia.
Importante! L'utente ha la responsabilità di produrre una prova d'acquisto
(fattura o ricevuta) se vuole servirsi dell'assistenza coperta da garanzia.
Dovrà inoltre fornire data di acquisto, modello e numero di serie riportati
sull'apparecchio; a questo scopo, compilare come promemoria dei dati
richiesti lo spazio qui sotto.
MODELLO / MODEL: ............................................................................................................................................................................................
NUMERO DI SERIE / SERIAL NUMBER: ................................................................................................................................................................
DATA D'ACQUISTO / PURCHASE DATE: ..............................................................................................................................................................
Questo prodotto è conforme alle Direttive della Comunità
Europea sotto le quali lo stesso ricade.
Tutti gli apparecchi PASO sono costruiti nel rispetto delle più severe normative
internazionali di sicurezza ed in ottemperanza ai requisiti della Comunità
Europea. Per un corretto ed efficace uso dell'apparecchio è importante
prendere conoscenza di tutte le caratteristiche leggendo attentamente le
presenti istruzioni ed in particolare le note di sicurezza.
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General description
1.1 Front panel ..................................................................... 3
1.2 Rear panel ...................................................................... 3
2.1 Safety notes ................................................................... 3
2.2 Power supply .................................................................. 4
3.1 General features ............................................................. 4
3.2 Line input/output ............................................................ 4
3.3 Telephone input .............................................................. 4
3.4 'Music On Hold' output (MOH) .......................................... 4
3.5 Connection to microphone stations ................................. 5
3.6 Selecting the listening areas ............................................ 6
3.7 Microphone precedence and warning signal ..................... 6
3.8 Power outputs ................................................................ 6
Low-impedance systems ...................................... 7
Constant voltage systems ................................... 7
4.1 Power on ................................................................................ 8
4.2 Master volume control ............................................................. 8
4.3 Acoustic adjustment ................................................................ 8
- Bass control (BASS) ............................................................... 8
- Treble control (TREBLE) ......................................................... 8
4.4 Overload and protection .......................................................... 8
Technical specifications ......................................................... 9
This product is warranted to be free from defects in raw materials and
assembly. The warranty period is governed by the applicable provisions
of law. Paso will repair the product covered by this warranty free of
charge if it is faulty, provided the defect has occurred during normal
use. The warranty does not cover products that are improperly used or
installed, mechanically damaged or damaged by liquids or the weather.
If the product is found to be faulty, it must be sent to Paso free of
charges for shipment and return. This warranty does not include any
others, either explicit or implicit, and does not cover consequential
damage to property or personal injury. For further information
concerning the warranty contact your local PASO distributor.
Important! Should the user wish to avail himself of servicing under the
warranty, he must provide evidence of the purchase (invoice or receipt).
The user shall also indicate the date of purchase, model and serial number
indicated on the equipment. For this reason, you should complete the box
below as a reminder of the data required.
This product is in keeping with the relevant European
Community Directives.
All PASO equipment is manufactured in accordance with the most stringent
international safety standards and in compliance with European Community
requisites. In order to use the equipment correctly and effectively, it is
important to be aware of all its characteristics by reading these instructions
and in particular the safety notes carefully.



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