Select from different crosshair styles and colors to overlay on your screen.
To enable the Crosshair function:
6. Press the [●] key or move the joy key [◄] or [▲] or [▼] to display the On-Screen
Display (OSD) Menu.
7. Move the joy key [◄] or [►] to select Setup Menu. Then move the joy key [▼] to
enter the Setup Menu menu.
8. Move the joy key [▲] or [▼] to select Crosshair. Then move the joy key [►] to
confirm the selection.
9. Move the joy key [▲] or [▼] to select your preferred crosshair style and color.
Then press the [●] key to confirm the selection.
NOTA: A preview image of the crosshair (type and color) will be displayed on the
right side of the OSD Menu before confirming.
Type A
Type B
Type C
Main Menu
NOTA: This message box will appear with the
crosshair, and disappear after three (3) seconds