rEAD All InstructIOns bEfOrE usInG.
When transferring to or from the bench, do not put your entire weight on the front edge
of the seat. Failure to comply might result in the seat pad popping off.
Please read carefully before use. Failure to comply may result in severe injury.
Ensure all detent push buttons are properly engaged in position prior to use.
Do not exceed the maximum weight capacity listed on your product.
Ensure suction cups are securely affixed to the tub floor. The suction cup legs must be
secured to a clean level surface.
Before use check to make sure screws are tight and product is stable.
sAvE thEsE InstructIOns.
a. Determine which direction the user will face when sitting on the bench in the tub.
b. To attach the backrest in the appropriate direction, slide the backrest poles into the tube
openings underneath the seat assembly.
c. Depress the detent push buttons and engage completely into holes to lock in place.
commode seat (Model 98013A only)
a. To change the direction of the commode seat, pull up on seat to release clips.
b. Rotate the seat, align clips on frame and press down making sure it is securely attached.
Ensure commode opening faces front.
1. Place the transfer bench over the tub wall with the side arm and suction footpieces inside the tub.
2. The inner legs of the transfer bench should be as close to the far wall of the tub as possible.
3. Adjust legs to desired height and to make level by depressing detent buttons and moving to
desired position.
4. Test the bench to ensure it is level and all legs are securely attached.
5. Push down gently on the transfer bench to securely affix the suction cup feet to the tub floor.
6. Test the unit for stability by vigorously attempting to move the transfer bench.
usInG YOur trAnsfEr bEnch WIthOut AssIstAncE
Be sure to turn slowly, without twisting, throughout the following procedures to prevent injuries.
1. transferring from a seated position:
a. Place your wheelchair next to bench, facing front of the bathtub and engage wheel locks.
b. Transfer your torso to the transfer bench first, putting your body weight in the middle of
the seat, not on the seat edge. Lift your legs into the tub. Be sure to turn slowly, without twisting,
to prevent injuries.
c. After bathing lift your legs out of the tub first, then your torso.
2. transferring from a standing position:
a. Sit in the middle of the seat panel on the side of the bench that is outside of the tub.
b. Extend your arms to grab the side arm of the bench for support and slide your body over to the
center of the chair. Lift each leg over the tub wall.
c. Slide over to a comfortable position in center of tub.
d. After bathing, move your legs out of the tub, turn slowly and firmly grasp the backrest and stand.
nOtE– tips On this Product contain Dry natural rubber.
GS-G98013A (GPI141)
GS-G98013A (GPI141)
Revision: 3/25/10
Revision: 3/25/10