The user can choose to save a waveform or open the folder containing previously
stored waveforms for review.
When saving a waveform, only the portion of the waveform displayed on the screen
is actually saved. The user should scroll the desired portion of the waveform into
view before saving. The fi lename will be generated automatically and and a popup
temporarily displayed to acknowledge that the fi le has been saved.
The fi rst pulse detected will be aligned with the vertical line.
If this is not the case, the user can manually adjust the detected systolic pressure using
to be random noise. The trace can be moved in either left or right directions, with the
vertical line remaining static. The pressure shown above the vertical line is updated
The detected or adjusted systolic pressure is displayed to the top left of the screen.
The APPG waveform that was saved when the cuff pressure fi rst went above 50 mmHg
in the APPG Home screen is displayed.
If the data has not been saved, this following prompt will be displayed.
APPG File Options
permanent storage
waveforms for review.
APPG Systolic Pressure Adjust Screen
buttons. This may be useful if the user believes the fi rst detected pulse
APPG Final Review and Save Screen
A popup will be displayed momentarily to confi rm a
successful save
If data has been saved, press
Home Screen.
to save the visible portion of the waveform to
to open the folder containing stored
to exit back to the APPG Trace Only screen.
to save the screen information.
Supplementary Information
to exit to the APPG