● Measure the maximum width of your pool (between the pool inner edge) =L1.
● Insert the tubes "X" into the tubes "y", and slide them until you have the required size + 15cm margin on right and left side
of L1 as shown in above diagram.
● Ensure that the tube "Y" is exactly centered between tube "X". Z1 and Z3 are equal.
● Also ensure that there is a minimum tube overlap "OL" of 45cm in each tube connection.
Tips: After figuring out the required overlapping that achieve total length (L1 + 30cm), measure and use pencil to mark a line
on tube "X" as a finishing line for overlapping.
● Maximum loading weight of wet solar cover is 30KG on maximum tube set span.
To connect the tubes, align and slide the smaller tube "X" into the bigger tube "Y" until the required overlapping is achieved.
Secure the tube connection by fastening 3 screws "#13" into the pre-drilled holes on tube "Y".
Application of strap set on groovless tube set
Tie "S3" on the straps "S1" as shown. Peel off the protective layer from the velcro sticker "S2" and stick together with strap
"S1" onto the tubes in a straight line at equal interval over the length L1 as shown in Step 6.