Solid Red
Reverse polarity detected. / Reverse the battery connections.
Single (1) Flash
Short circuit detected on battery clamps. / Remove all loads, reconnect clamps to battery.
Double (2) Flash
High voltage detected at clamps (the GBX45 is connected to a voltage system greater than 12V, such as 24V).
Triple (3) Flash
Bad battery cell detected. / When an internal battery cell has failed during charging.
Quadruple (4) Flash
Charge timeout error (i.e. the GBX45 has been in bulk charge for too long).
Back-Charge detected into the GBX45 through the clamps while in a Boost Mode (i.e. the GBX45 is in Manual Override and
Sextuple (6) Flash
then connected to a system greater than 12V, such as 24V).
Hot LED: Solid
Unit is fully operational, but approaching upper temperature limit. / Allow the unit to cool.
Hot LED: Flashing
Unit is too hot to jump start, only the flashlight is available in this state. / Allow the unit to cool.
Cold LED: Solid
Unit is fully operational, but approaching lower temperature limit. / Allow the unit to warm up.
Cold LED: Flashing
Unit is too cold to jump start, only the flashlight is available in this state / Allow the unit to warm up.
If charging the unit, check the cable or charger for damage / If charging a USB-C device, check cable or device for damage / If
Flashing Red
problem persists, contact NOCO support.
Solid Red
Connected Charger is Incompatible. / Unplug USB Cable, Turn Off/On the Unit, Use Different Charger.