sponding to an immersion pressure of 50
metres (1 bar = ±10 metres).
In accordance with the ISO 22810/NIHS
92-20 standard, in order to guarantee the
durability of the watch's characteristics
over time, and as water resistance may be
affected by certain activities, it is recom-
mended that you:
- have the watch's water resistance checked
by an authorised Jaeger-LeCoultre retailer
at least once every two years. It is essen-
tial to have such a check carried out each
time your watch is opened, and before any
period in which it is liable to undergo pro-
longed and/or regular immersions.
- check when making the purchase that the
bracelet is suitable for the intended use.
- avoid subjecting the watch to excessively
abrupt temperature changes.
- protect the watch from being dropped or
suffering other accidental impacts, and
have the water resistance checked after
any severe impact.