Install the crankset following the instructions provided by the
To charge the XPOWER-S, connect a USB adapter (not included)
to the charging port using the provided power cable. The battery
is fully charged when the status LED stops blinking.
. Turn the crank to make the power meter wake up and the LED
will twinkling blue.
. Search and connect the power meter on the bike computer.
. Connect the device named XPOWER-S XXXX if using Bluetooth.
. For the first install or re-install the chainrings. Please apply a
huge force with the pedal several times before calibration.
. Make sure it has no force with the crank and the pedal.
. Click 'Calibration' in the bike computer or App.
For more information, read the User Manual:
Install the crankset in your bike
frameset or bottom bracket.
Charging the XPOWER-S
Pair with device