Special features:
The JBL pH Test Set 6.0-7.6 is designed for the accurate
measurement and routine control of the pH level in freshwater
within the relevant range of 6.0 -7.6, and above all for the control
and the adjustment of CO 2 -fertilization with the JBL PROFLORA
CO 2 -system. Using the compensation method specially developed
by JBL,
precise and reliable results can be obtained even in
moderately discoloured aquarium water, e.g. caused by peat filters
and disease treatment.
Why test?
The well-being of aquarium fish and the growth of aquatic plants
depends to a large extent on a maintaining a correct and consistent
pH level. The pH level plays a significant controlling role in CO 2 -
fertilization. The CO 2 -concentration best suited for plants and
harmless to fish is reached with a pH level around 7 to 7.2, provided
that the water does not contain any other substances which might
upset the pH level. The carbonate hardness should not drop below
4° (= 70 ppm CaCO 3 ) and not exceed 18° dH (= 320 ppm CaCO 3 ).
This means that a simple pH measurement is sufficient to check the
best possible CO 2 -fertilization. Precise measurements may also
be required even if CO 2 is not used for fertilizing, for instance if
problems in the breeding of special species of fish are encountered.
The pH Test Set 6.0 - 7.6 is also suitable in these cases.
Remedy in case of pH fluctuations:
To lower pH: CO 2 fertilization with the JBL PROFLORA CO 2
System or JBL Aquacid.
To raise pH: normally not required in freshwater, otherwise with JBL
Aquadur plus or JBL Aquakal.