Place the angle and the joint piece to the guide for the ceiling brackets or anchor the
guide directly to the ceiling using the "U" fixing (see fig. C).
Note that the roof supports must be adjusted in height when the engine is fixed in its
final position. Fix as close as possible to the motor head.
Use the self-drilling screw M6.3x20 to prevent any movement of the rail.
Attach the rail to the brackets with the corresponding screw and nut.
Lift the motor head until the rail will be level.
Fix the rail to the ceiling with the brackets.
In addition, as required, you can use the piece
"lifting hook" to anchoring the guide directly to the
ceiling in an intermediate position of the guide (see
fig. D).
In case of a separate guide of the ceiling, if use this
piece you have to use additional mounting brackets
not included in the kit (see fig. E).
Place the motor in front of the door and lift the end
of the rail until it matches the bracket fixed to the
wall above the door.