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Wikus H7500001 Instrucciones De Funcionamiento página 2

Refractómetro de mano


Measuring principle
The measuring method is based upon the principle of
total reflection of light beams that impinge at a certain
angle on the liquid that is to examine/measure. These
light beams are refracted as a function of the concen-
tration. While measuring there appears an easily
readable light blue boundary on the instruments scale.
The concentration is determined by the scale value and
the respective concentrate factor. Instead of a calculation
from the reading value and the factor, an evaluation
can also be made by a nomo- or diagram. Hereby, an
immediate reading of the concentration, respectively the
mixing ratio is possible.
Carrying out the determination of the concentration
1. Open light sensor plate, put the liquid onto the prism
(picture 1) and close it again (picture 2). Dirty media have
to be filtered in advance (the necessary accessories are
available on request, picture 6).
2. Focus the ocular and read the scale value (picture 2 and
3). If, despite filtration, the boundary is out of focus it is
advisable to dilute the liquid with the same amount of water
and to double the reading value correspondingly.
3. Determine the concentration value by multiplication of the
scale value and the factor of the respective concentrate or
by the nomo- or diagram you have drawn up. An instruction
for drawing up a nomo- or diagram and for determining the
factor -F- is delivered with the order.
In certain intervals, especially if there is a high variation in
room temperature, check the scale. When determining pure
water, if the boundary is not „0", this value is to be adjusted
by the adjusting screw with a screw driver or a coin.
Principio de medición / Measuring principle
Cleaning and maintenance
The measuring instrument is to be kept dry and, if possible, in
its case. After use the prism and the light sensor plate have to
be cleaned with water and wiped dry. Parts of the accessory are
intended for this procedure.
Before determining and controlling the respective liquid
the refractometer's scale has to show „0" when used with
water. If it does not, make use of the adjusting screw. The
instrument is enclosed by a corrugated synthetic safety
ring that anticipates heat transfer (of hand temperature)
onto the prism - otherwise wrong calculation values result.
Principio de medición
El método de medición se basa en el principio de la
reflexión total de haces luminosos, que inciden en un
determinado ángulo en la capa de líquido a examinar o
a medir, y que son refractados en función de la concen-
tración. Durante la medición se obtiene una línea divisoria
de color azul claro, que puede leerse fácilmente en la
escala del instrumento. La concentración se determina
a partir del valor de lectura y del correspondiente factor
de concentrado. En lugar del cálculo a partir del valor
de lectura y del factor, la evaluación también puede
realizarse mediante un nomograma o diagrama, siendo
posible una lectura inmediata de la concentración o de la
relación de mezcla.
Ejecución de la determinación de la concentración
1. Abrir la placa de incidencia de luz, situar el líquido de
ensayo en el prisma (Figura 1) y volver a cerrar la placa
(Figura 2). Unos medios sucios deberán filtrarse previa-
mente (en caso de pedido se suministrarán los accesorios
requeridos, Figura 6).
2. Enfocar el ocular y leer el valor de la escala (Figuras
2 y 3). Si, a pesar del filtrado, la línea divisoria es
demasiado borrosa (difícilmente legible), se aconseja
diluir el líquido con la misma cantidad de agua y duplicar
de forma correspondiente el valor de lectura.

