1. Note the maximum inlet pressure stamped on the regulator. DO
NOT attach the regulator to a system that has a higher pressure
than the maximum rated pressure stamped on the regulator.
2. The regulator body will be stamped "IN" or "HP" at the inlet
port. Attach the inlet port to the system supply pressure
3. Wrap pipe threads with Teflon tape 1 1/2 to 2 turns to effect a
seal. If other sealants are used, they must be compatible with
the gas that will be used in the system.
4. If gauges are to be attached to the regulator and the regu lator
is stamped and listed by a third party (i.e. "UL" or "ETL"). The
following requirements must be met:
a) Inlet gauges over 1000 PSIG (6.87 mPa) shall conform with
the requirements of UL 404, "Indicating Pressure Gauges
for Compressed Gas Service."
b) Low pressure gauges must be UL recognized for the class
of regulator they are being used on according to UL252A.
DO NOT use a regulator that delivers pressure exceeding
the pressure rating of the downstream equipment unless
pro visions are made to prevent over-pressurization (i.e.
system relief valve). Make sure the pressure rating of the
down stream equipment is compatible with the maximum
delivery pressure of the regulator.
5. Be sure that the regulator has the correct pressure rating and
gas service for the cylinder used.
6. Carefully inspect the regulator for damaged threads, dirt, dust,
grease, oil, or other flammable substances. Remove dust and
dirt with a clean cloth. Be sure the inlet swivel filter is clean and
in place. Attach the regulator (Figure 3) to the cylinder valve.
Tighten securely with a wrench.