Read this instruction sheet before use
Operation Procedure
1. Hold the peak flow meter.
2. Make sure the indicator is at
the bottom of the scale.
3. Stand or sit straight.
4. Take a deep breath.
5. Put your lips firmly around
the mouthpiece so you can
make a tight seal.
6. Then blow out as hard and fast as you
can in a single blow. Your first burst of
air is the most important, so blowing for
a longer time will not affect your result.
7. Read the peak flow value next to the
indicator and write down your reading.
8. Then slide the indicator back down and
repeat the measuring process totally
three times.
9. Write down the highest of the three
readings along with the date and time.
10. The measurement records can be
provided for monitoring respiratory
conditions, self-evaluation and
medication reference to your physician.