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Davin DV-14K Manual página 6


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Manual DV‑14K
• Place the DV-14K close to your 'clean' group.
At the bottom of the DV-14K you will find a
1.0 gENERaL
grounded (230v.) connection cord
• Install, if needed, a grounded outlet on your
The DV-14K is a time controlled relay box with
'clean' group.
which a maximum of 4 x 600 watt fittings or 5 x
• Plug the cord into the outlet of your 'clean'
400 watt fittings can be switched. Next to this,
the DV-14K has an outlet for a heater.
• Your DV-14K is now connected to the mains
1.1 tEcHNIcaL Data
: 210 x 290 x 90mm.
1.4 coNNEctINg EquIPmENt to tHE
Required voltage
: 230 Vac / 50Hz.
Max. output
: 15 Ampere.
You can connect 4 x 600 watt or 5 x 400 watt fit-
Max. output heater
: 15 Ampere
tings to your DV-14K.
Isolation level
: IP-44
In steps 1.2 and 1.3 you have;
1.2 REquIRED (actIvE) voLtagE Dv-14k
• Connected your DV-14K to a 'clean' group,
• Mounted it onto a flat surface,
To connect the DV-14K you will preferably need
• Connected it to the mains voltage.
a 'clean' Group of at least 15 Amp. A 'clean'
group means that this Group will be used only
Now the electric ballasts (fittings) will have to
by the DV-14K. If you do not have a(n) (extra)
be connected to the DV-14K. Please read the
'clean' group we recommend to have the DV-14K
installation manual carefully before you connect
installed by a certified installer.
the electric ballasts, In order to connect them
The DV-14K has a 15 Amp thermal fuse.
This fuse turns off the DV-14K automatically in
If the electric ballasts has been properly con-
case of an overload and / or a short circuit.
nected there will be a 230v. cord on each of the
electric ballasts. Plug all the cords of the elec-
1.3 INstaLLatIoN of tHE Dv-14k
tric ballasts into the 4 power outlets (sockets) on
Remove the front panel of the DV-14K housing.
the sides of the DV-14K. You now have connect-
At each corner of the housing you will find a fix-
ed the electric ballasts to the DV-14K.
ing hole, which you can use to insert a screw.
You can mount the housing onto a (flat) surface
1.5 tHE HEatER outLEt
with the 4 screws.
At the front of the DV-14K you will find a (green)
built-in power outlet (socket) for the electrical
heater of max. 15 Amp. This is where you can
The analogue timer is a sensitive part of the DV-
place your heater.
14K, and is not resistant to hard shocks.
Manual DV‑14K
1.6 aDjustINg tHE Dv-14k foR usE
1.7 foR YouR safEtY
The DV-14K is now ready for use; we only have
• The correct operation of the DV-14K is only
to adjust the time.
guaranteed, if you observe this manual.
• Remove the plastic cap of the time switch.
• Although it is possible to install the DV-14K
On the right side of the clock you will find a
yourself, we recommend to have this done by
3-position switch.
a certified installer.
= Continue 'ON'
• Before installing the DV-14K, the voltage
= Everything 'OFF'
MUST be taken off the power point (Check
2 = The DV-14K switches at the set times.
• Put the 3-position switch on the clock (2)
• This guide should only be used for the DV-
• Now we have to determine when the DV-14K
needs to be switched 'ON' and 'OFF'.
• Therefore, the pins that are around the clock
products are covered by a 1-year war-
need to be pushed out.
Are the pins pushed INWARD: The clock will
switch 'OFF'
• To qualify for this warranty, you are required
Are the pins pushed OUTWARD: The clock will
to return the DV-14K to the point of sale.
switch 'ON'
• To have the timer switch between 2 times (the
• If changes are made to DAVIN
'ON' time, and the 'OFF' time), ALL the pins
without the express and written prior permis-
between those 2 times need to be pushed out.
sion of the manufacturer, the warranty will
• The shortest switch position of the clock is 15
become void.
• When you have determined the 'ON' and 'OFF'
times, turn the clock slowly (manually) clock-
with improper installation of the DV-14K.
wise to make sure everything is correct.
• If you are sure that everything switches at the
• Neither the manufacturer, nor the importer,
right time, the DV-14K is ready for use.
nor the retailers of the DV-14K are liable for
damages arising from the use of the DV-14K.
+31 (0)6 – 14 813 447
warranty will also become void

