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Xiaomi MI SCOOTER 3 Manual De Instrucciones página 11


Mi Electric Scooter 3
Mi Electric Scooter 3
Mi Electric Scooter 3
Mi Electric Scooter 3
Mi Electric Scooter 3
4 1. 俄语部分新增 EAC
5 1. 英规 - 增加 UKCA 和英规代理信息,修改法规相关信息
6 1. 英文优化 / 版本升级
3 认证文案更新,版本升级为 B
1. 所有语言第 2 章节线稿图更新,行人模式尾灯描述更新;2. 封底增加警示标、SDPPI 证书号及防呆二维码,排版调整;
2. 波兰语文案变更
2. 原料号 CE.00.0052.22-A 变更为 CE.00.0056.54-A
3. 料号由 CE.00.0040.45 变更为 CE.00.0048.67
3. 料号由 CE.00.0048.67 变更为 CE.00.0052.22
Manufactured for: Xiaomi Communications Co., Ltd.
• Illustrations of product, accessories, and user interface in the user manual are for reference purposes only. Actual product and functions may vary due to product enhancements.
For further information, please go to
Important Information
Manufactured by: Ninebot (Changzhou) Tech Co., Ltd.
• Abbildungen des Produkts, des Zubehörs und der Benutzeroberfläche in der Benutzerhandbuch dienen nur als Referenz. Die tatsächlichen Produkte und Funktionen können aufgrund von
Address: 16F-17F, Block A, Building 3, No.18, Changwu Mid Rd, Wujin Dist., Changzhou, Jiangsu, China.
Wichtige Informationen
Hergestellt für: Xiaomi Communications Co., Ltd.
Hersteller: Ninebot (Changzhou) Tech Co., Ltd.
Weitere Informationen finden Sie auf
Produktverbesserungen variieren.
Informations importantes
effectives peuvent varier en raison des améliorations apportées au produit.
• Les illustrations du produit, les accessoires et l'interface utilisateur présents dans le manuel d'utilisation sont uniquement fournis à titre indicatif. Le produit actuel et les fonctions
Adresse: 16F-17F, Block A, Building 3, No.18, Changwu Mid Rd, Wujin Dist., Changzhou, Jiangsu, China.
Fabriquée pour : Ninebot (Changzhou) Tech Co., Ltd.
Fabriquée pour : Xiaomi Communications Co., Ltd.
Pour plus d'informations, rendez-vous sur
Informazioni importanti
variare a causa dei miglioramenti apportati al prodo o stesso.
Per ulteriori informazioni, visitare il sito
Adresse : 16F-17F, Block A, Building 3, No.18, Changwu Mid Rd, Wujin Dist., Changzhou, Jiangsu, Chine.
• Le illustrazioni del prodo o, degli accessori e dell'interfaccia utente nel manuale utente sono esclusivamente a scopo di riferimento. Il prodo o effe ivo e le relative funzioni possono
Información importante
Prodo o per: Xiaomi Communications Co., Ltd.
Indirizzo: 16F-17F, Block A, Building 3, No.18, Changwu Mid Rd, Wujin Dist., Changzhou, Jiangsu, Cina.
Fabbricato da: Ninebot (Changzhou) Tech Co., Ltd.
Важная информация
mejoras del producto.
Para obtener más información, visite
• Las ilustraciones del producto, los accesorios y la interfaz de usuario del manual de usuario son solo para fines de referencia. El producto y las funciones actuales pueden variar debido a
• Иллюстрации изделия, комплектующих и пользовательского интерфейса в руководстве пользователя представлены исключительно в ознакомительных целях. Фактические
Dirección: 16F-17F, Block A, Building 3, No.18, Changwu Mid Rd, Wujin Dist., Changzhou, Jiangsu, China.
Fabricado para: Xiaomi Communications Co., Ltd.
Fabricado por: Ninebot (Changzhou) Tech Co., Ltd.
характеристики прибора и его функции могут отличаться в связи с улучшениями продукта.
Изготовлено для: Xiaomi Communications Co., Ltd.
Чтобы получить дополнительную информацию, посетите сайт
Ważne informacje
Адрес: 16F-17F, Block A, Building 3, No.18, Changwu Mid Rd, Wujin Dist., Чанчжоу, Цзянсу, Китай.
Изготовитель: Ninebot (Changzhou) Tech Co., Ltd.
주요 정보
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Informação importante
Original instructions
Thank you for choosing our Mi Electric Scooter Series Products. The product is a recreational device.
10. Warranty Notice
Freizeitbeschä igung.
Vielen Dank, dass Sie sich für unser Mi Elektroroller Serienprodukt entschieden haben. Dieses Produkt ist ein Gerät zur
Xiaomi Inc. hopes that you enjoy a safe riding experience.
Xiaomi Inc. wünscht Ihnen, dass Sie ein sicheres Fahrgefühl genießen können.
As a Xiaomi consumer, you benefit under certain conditions from additional warranties. Xiaomi offers specific consumer
warranty benefits which are in addition to, and not instead of, any legal warranties provided by your national consumer
information about the consumer warranty benefits, please refer to Xiaomi's official website
law. The duration and conditions related to the legal warranties are provided by respective local laws. For more
h ps:// Except as prohibited by laws or otherwise promised by Xiaomi, the
a er-sales services shall be limited to the country or region of the original purchase. Under the consumer warranty, to
the fullest extent premised by law, Xiaomi will, at its discretion, repair, replace or refund your product. Normal wear and
1. Safety Instructions
tear, force majeure, abuse or damage caused by the user's negligence or fault are not warranted. The contact person for
the a er-sale service may be any person in Xiaomi's authorized service network, Xiaomi's authorized distributors or the
1. Sicherheitshinweise
2. Product Overview
final vendor who sold the products to you. If in doubt please contact the relevant person as Xiaomi may identify.
2. Produktübersicht
3. Daily Care and Maintenance
The present warranties do not apply in Hong Kong and Taiwan.
3. Tägliche Pflege und Wartung
4. Personal Information Statement
Products which were not duly imported and/or were not duly manufactured by Xiaomi and/or were not duly acquired
4. Erklärung zu persönlichen Daten
5. Copyright Statement
from Xiaomi or a Xiaomi's official seller are not covered by the present warranties. As per applicable law you may benefit
from warranties from the non-official retailer who sold the product. Therefore, Xiaomi invites you to contact the retailer
5. Urheberrechtliche Erklärung
6. Trademark Statement
from whom you purchased the product.
6. Markenhinweis
7. Product Statement
7. Produkthinweis
8. Certifications
8. Zertifikationen
9. Safety Warning
9. Sicherheitswarnung
10. Warranty Notice
11. Disclaimer
10. Garantieerklärung
11. Disclaimer
11. Ha ungsausschluss
necessitated by typographical errors, inaccuracies of current information, or improvements to programs and/or equipment,
The user material is published by Xiaomi or its local affiliated company. Improvements and changes to this manual
may be made by Xiaomi at any time and without notice. Such changes will, however, be incorporated into new online
illustration purposes only and may not accurately depict the actual device.
editions of the user material (please see details at All illustrations are for
Original instructions
Übersetzung des Originalhinweises
IMPORTANT! Read carefully and keep for future reference.
close and tip the machine. Once the scooter is on its stand, check its stability to avoid any risk of falling (by slip, wind or slight
the slope to prevent it from tipping over. Never place the scooter with the front facing down the slope, as the stand may
WICHTIG! Sorgfältig durchlesen und für später
au auchende Fragen au ewahren.
For more information about the instructions of Mi Electric Scooter series products,
please visit
jolt). Do not park the scooter in a busy area, but rather along a wall. If possible, always choose to park your scooter on flat
Weitere Informationen zu Mi Elektroroller Serienprodukten finden Sie unter
1. Safety Instructions
Store the electric scooter indoors when not in use. Read the instruction manual and drive the electric scooter carefully. You
• Wear a helmet, elbow pads and knee pads in case of a fall to avoid injury. Poor driving can lead to falls or serious accidents.
be responsible for any damage or injury caused by failure to follow the instructions in the owner's manual. For a be er driving
should only operate the electric scooter a er you have understood and applied all the safety rules. The scooter operator will
1. Sicherheitshinweise
or lack of experience and knowledge, unless they have been given supervision or instruction concerning use of the appliance
• This appliance is not intended for use by persons (including children) with reduced physical, sensory or mental capabilities,
charging the ba ery. DO NOT drive in rain or puddles. Required age of driver: 16 to 50 years. Not allowed for children.
experience, it is recommended to conduct a regular maintenance of the product. Please read the user material before
by a person responsible for their safety.
• Children should be supervised to ensure that they do not play with the appliance.
• Do not touch the brake system, it could cause injuries due to sharp edges. The brake may become hot in use. Do not touch
a er use.
• Dieses Gerät ist nicht für die Nutzung durch Personen (inklusive Kinder) mit eingeschränkten körperlichen, sensorischen
oder mentalen Fähigkeiten, oder für Personen mit einem Mangel an Erfahrung und Wissen geeignet, es sei denn, diese
• For the purposes of recharging the ba ery, only use the detachable supply unit provided with this appliance.
• This vehicle is a personal electric scooter with pure electric propulsion. The scooter is intended for riders older than 16 years.
• To avoid inappropriate use, it is necessary to start coasting the scooter to activate the motor and the accelerator. When the
Bedienung des Gerätes.
wurden beaufsichtigt oder erhielten von einer Person, die für ihre Sicherheit verantwortlich ist, eine Anleitung bezüglich der
or knowledge should drive carefully. Children should not play with the scooter or spare parts of it nor should cleaning or
Do not ride the scooter if you suffer from reduced physical, sensorial or mental capabilities. Riders with a lack of experience
• The A-weighted emission sound pressure level is less than 70 dB(A).
scooter has stopped, the accelerator does not work.
• Kinder sollten beaufsichtigt werden, um sicherzustellen, dass sie nicht mit dem Gerät spielen.
• Dieses Fahrzeug ist ein Elektroroller mit reinem Elektroantrieb. Der Roller ist für Fahrer über 16 Jahren konzipiert. Verwenden
Sie den Roller nicht, falls Sie unter eingeschränkten körperlichen, sensorischen oder mentalen Fähigkeiten leiden. Fahrer mit
maintenance be done by children. The use of the machine results in the transmission of vibrations throughout the driver's
• The mechanical vibrations transmi ed by the Scooter are less than 2.5 m/s
. The uncertainty of measurement: 1.5 m/s
mangelnder Erfahrung oder Kenntnis sollten vorsichtig fahren. Kinder dürfen nicht mit dem Roller oder dessen
Bestandteilen spielen und Kinder dürfen diesbezüglich keine Reinigungs- oder Instandhaltungsarbeiten durchführen. Der
• Do not ride in traffic lanes or residential areas where vehicles and pedestrians are both allowed.
• Accessories and any additional items which are not approved by the manufacturer shall not be used.
• To ride safely, you must be able to clearly see what is in front of you and you must be clearly visible to others.
• Fahren Sie keinesfalls auf Straßen oder in Wohngebieten, in denen sich Fahrzeuge und Fußgänger den Weg teilen.
Gebrauch der Maschine resultiert in der Übertragung von Schwingungen, die den ganzen Körper des Fahrers durchdringen.
• This electric scooter is a leisure device. However, when entering a public area, it is considered a vehicle subject to possible
risks. For your own safety, please follow the instructions in the manual as well as local traffic laws and regulations.
• Keep plastic covering away from children to avoid suffocation.
• Dieser Elektroroller ist ein Gerät zur Freizeitbeschä igung. Wenn man sich damit jedoch im öffentlichen Raum bewegt, wird
er als Fahrzeug betrachtet, das möglichen Risiken unterliegt. Befolgen Sie zu Ihrer eigenen Sicherheit die Anweisungen im
• At the same time, you should understand that risks cannot be entirely avoided as others may violate traffic regulations and
drive incautiously, and you're exposed to road accidents just as when you're walking or biking. The higher the speed the
• To prevent inappropriate use of the scooter, the rear wheel of the scooter must be locked with a padlock when parked.
• Gleichzeitig sollte Ihnen bewusst sein, dass Risiken nicht vollständig vermieden werden können, da andere
Benutzerhandbuch sowie die Verkehrsregeln und -vorschri en vor Ort.
when riding, don't speed and keep a safe distance from other road users, especially when riding in unfamiliar areas.
longer the stopping distance. On a smooth surface, the scooter may slip, lose balance, and even result in a fall. Be cautious
important to anticipate and adapt your trajectory and speed to those of a pedestrian before crossing these obstacles. It is
• Traffic in the city has many obstacles to cross such as curbs or steps. It is recommended to avoid obstacle jumps. It is
Verkehrsteilnehmer die Regeln verletzen und unvorsichtig fahren können; die Gefahr eines Unfalls gilt für Sie damit ebenso
wie wenn Sie zu Fuß gehen oder mit dem Rad fahren. Je höher die Geschwindigkeit, desto länger der Bremsweg. Auf einer
gla en Fahrbahn kann der Roller rutschen, aus dem Gleichgewicht kommen oder umkippen. Fahren Sie vorsichtig, rasen Sie
• Respect pedestrians' Right of Way. Try not to startle them while driving, especially children. When you ride from behind
also recommended to get out of the vehicle when these obstacles become dangerous due to their shape, height or slippage.
• Do not modify or transform the vehicle, including the steering tube and sleeve, stem, folding mechanism and rear brake.
nicht und halten Sie sicheren Abstand zu anderen Verkehrsteilnehmern, besonders wenn Sie in unbekannten Gebieten
pedestrians, ring your bell to give them a heads-up and slow your scooter down to pass from their le (applicable to
countries where vehicles drive on the right). When you ride across pedestrians, keep to the right at a low speed. When you
• Eliminate any sharp edges caused by use.
• Geben Sie Fußgängern Vorrang. Erschrecken Sie Fußgänger – insbesondere Kinder – nicht, wenn Sie sie passieren. Wenn Sie
sich Fußgängern von hinten nähern, klingeln Sie, um sie zu warnen, bremsen Sie Ihren Roller ab, und überholen Sie links (in
• Closely follow the safety instructions in the manual especially in China and countries that lack relevant laws and regulations
drive across pedestrians, keep the lowest speed or ge ing off the vehicle.
• In all cases, take care of yourself and others.
überholen, fahren Sie so langsam wie möglich oder steigen Sie ab.
Ländern mit Rechtsverkehr). Wenn Sie Fußgänger überholen, fahren Sie rechts und langsam. Wenn Sie Fußgänger
regarding electric scooters. Xiaomi Communication Co., Ltd. shall not be liable for any financial losses, physical injuries,
accidents, legal disputes and other interest conflicts resulted from actions that violate user instructions.
• Make sure the folding mechanism of your scooter is working properly before riding.
• Do turn on the headlight and slow down the speed when you ride at night.
• Halten Sie sich insbesondere in China und in Ländern ohne entsprechende Gesetze und Vorschri en für Roller an die
körperlichen Schaden, Unfälle, Rechtsstreitigkeiten und andere Interessenkonflikte, die aus ein
Sicherheitshinweise in diesem Handbuch. Xiaomi Communication Co., Ltd. ist nicht ha bar für finanzielle Verluste,
• Riding with high speed or a speed that is not appropriate or adequate for the situation (bad weather conditions, bad surface
conditions, or the like) may lead into a potential loss of stability or loss of control. To reduce any risk, you must follow all
• Ensure that the ba ery is sufficient before riding. If not, please recharge it.
instructions in this manual. Be careful when mounting and dismantling the product, it may fall and cause injury.
off to walk along with the scooter.
• When passing through a place designated for pedestrians who are entitled to the right-of-way laws like crosswalk, please get
responsibility to ensure he/she knows the operations and wears the safety gear.
• Do not lend your scooter to whoever does not know the operations. And when you do lend it to your friends, please take the
axles, the folding system, the steering system and the brake sha . When you note loose parts, low ba ery alerts, flat tires,
• Check the scooter before every use. Regularly check the tightening of the various bolted elements, in particular the wheel
excessive wear, strange sounds, malfunctions and other abnormal conditions, stop riding immediately and call for
professional support.
• Always park the scooter with kickstand on an even and stable surface. The scooter must be placed with the stand against
2. Product Overview
3. Daily Care and Maintenance
Control Panel & Power Bu on
If you see stains on the scooter's body, wipe them off with a damp cloth. If the stains won't scrub off, put on some
Cleaning and storage
Rear Brake Lever
Front Light
Bell Lever
Scooter Bell
toothpaste, and brush them with a toothbrush, then wipe them off with a damp cloth.
Notes: do not clean the scooter with alcohol, gasoline, kerosene or other corrosive and volatile chemical solvents to
prevent dire damage. Do not wash the scooter with a high-pressure water spray. During cleaning, make sure that the
scooter's turned off, the charging cable is unplugged, and the rubber flap is closed as water leakage may result in
electric shock or other major problems.
When the scooter's not in use, keep it indoors where it is dry and cool. Do not put it outdoors for long time. Excessive
sunlight, overheating and overcooling can accelerate tire aging and compromise the scooter and the ba ery pack's
Tire maintenance
Quick Release Lever
Regularly check the tire pressure (at least every 2-3 months), the recommended tire pressure is 50 psi. The max. tire
pressure is 60 psi. Riding with an incorrect tire pressure reduces tire life and safety.
Tail Light &
Rear Reflector
Maintenance and removal of the ba ery
Front Fork
Disc Brake
License Plate Holder
contact an authorized repairer if the product is still guaranteed. If the product is not guaranteed you can contact any
Do not remove the ba ery. Removing the ba ery is complicated and can alter the operation of the machine: You can
Wheel Motor
Side Reflector
specialized repairer of your choice. You can ask for the list of the authorized repairers to the customer service available
Charging Port
Ba ery Compartment
Spare tires supplied with the product are to be mounted on the wheel by a professional repairer. Removing the wheels is
at For any further question, you can contact the customer service available at
Control Panel & Power Bu on
complicated and incorrect assembly can lead to instability and malfunctions:
Display the current speed of the scooter, as well as to display error codes.
the authorized repairers to the customer service available at
– Please contact an authorized repairer if the product is still under manufacturer guarantee. You can ask for the list of
mode (the headlight and the tail light are both on*). D is for standard mode, and S for sport mode.
is for pedestrian mode (walking mode*), the maximum speed of the scooter is 6 km/h, and the tail light is blinking in this
– If the product is no longer under guaranteed you can contact any specialized repairer of your choice.
– Should you have questions, you can contact Xiaomi's customer service available at
For products under eKFV only.
The icon indicates that the scooter has been successfully connected to the mobile device.
1. Do not use ba ery packs of other models or brands, as there may be a safety risk.
Locking Reminder:
Error Notification:
indicates that the scooter has an error.
When the wrench icon displays red, it indicates that the scooter needs repair. When the wrench icon blinks red, it
Lock the scooter via the Mi Home/Xiaomi Home app.
the outer casing. Do not place the product into water or fire, nor expose it to temperatures above 50°C (including heat
2. Do not disassemble, squeeze or puncture the product. Do not touch its ba ery contacts. Do not disassemble or poke
Overheating Warning:
Ba ery Level:
The ba ery power is indicated by 5 bars, each representing approximately 20 % of a full ba ery.
When the ba ery temperature has reached 50°C, the thermometer icon will be on. This will result in reduced
sources such as stoves, heatings, etc.). Avoid metal objects from touching the ba ery contacts, since this may result
into short circuits, physical injury or even death.
acceleration and possibly charging issues. Immediately stop using or charging the scooter, and wait for its ba ery temperature to cool
down. Once the ba ery temperature is within the normal operating temperature range, the scooter can be used or charged again.
3. Any water ge ing into the ba ery may cause damage to the internal circuit, risk of fire or even explode. If there is any
suspicion of water ge ing into the ba ery, immediately stop using the ba ery and return it to the a er-sales service
on, press the bu on to turn on/off the headlight and tail light, and press twice to cycle through the modes.
Power Bu on:
Press the bu on to turn the scooter on, and hold the bu on for 3 seconds to turn the scooter off. When the scooter is
for inspection.
of this ba ery pack. Do not discard this ba ery pack at will, to protect the natural environment.
4. Improper disposal of used ba eries can seriously pollute the environment. Observe local regulations when disposing
Adjust the stem
5. Fully charge a er every use, in order to extend its ba ery life.
Before adjustment, make sure the scooter is powered off and not charging.
a. Inner Hex Nut
do not leave the scooter or the ba ery pack in a car under direct sunlight for an extended time). Do not throw the
Do not place the ba ery in an environment where the ambient temperature is higher than 50°C or lower than -20°C (e.g.,
b. Hex Stud
c. Hex Nut
ba ery pack into fire as it may lead to ba ery failure, ba ery overheating, and even another fire. If the scooter is
expected to be le idle for more than 30 days, please fully charge the ba ery and place it in a dry and cool place. Keep in
mind to recharge it every 60 days to protect the ba ery from potential damage which is beyond limited warranty.
The scooter shall be only be used with original ba eries and charging of the Scooter shall only be done by the original
ba ery charger supplied with the scooter (or any compatible ba ery model or ba ery charger model approved by the
Long-term use of the scooter may result in loose screws, causing the stem to get unstable. If you notice the stem gets
Always charge before exhausting the ba ery to prolong the ba ery's lifespan. The ba ery pack performs be er at
normal temperature, and poor when it is below 0°C. For instance, when it is below -20°C, the riding range is only half or
shaky when riding, follow the steps below.
Home/Xiaomi Home app.
less at normal state. When the temperature rises, the riding range restores. For detailed information, please refer to Mi
I: 8-10 mm wrench
The external flexible cable of this ba ery charger cannot be replaced; If the supply cord is damaged, it must be replaced
II: 4 mm Allen key
Note: These tools are to be prepared by the user.
by a special cord or assembly available from the manufacturer or its service agent. Should you have questions, you can
contact Xiaomi's customer service available at
Note: fully charged scooter will last for 120-180 days. The built-in intelligent chip will keep a log of its charging and
1. When in the folded state, use tool I to loosen "c" (clockwise).
discharging records. The damage caused by prolonged no charge is irreversible and is beyond limited warranty. Once the
damage is done, the ba ery cannot be recharged (non-professionals are forbidden to dismantle the ba ery pack, as it
3. Use tool II to adjust "a" (clockwise) to the appropriate position, and use tool I to tighten "b" (counterclockwise).
2. Use tool I to loosen "b" (clockwise).
may cause electric shock, short circuit or even major safety accidents).
5. Shake the stem to see if the problem has been resolved.
4. Fold the stem up, close the quick release lever.
product is still under guarantee. If not, you can contact any specialized repairer of your choice. You can ask for the list of
In case of accident, blockage or breakdown, do not try to repair by yourself. Contact an authorized repairer if the
If not, repeat step 2 and 3.
the authorized repairers to the customer service available at For any question, please contact Xiaomi's
customer service available at
6. Return the scooter to the folded state and use tool I to tighten "c" (counterclockwise).
If it has, continue to step 6.
Efforts have been made to simplify wording in the user material for users. When an action appears too complicated for a
* Step 6 is mandatory.
user, he is advised to contact an authorized or a specialized repairer or Xiaomi's customer service.
As with any mechanical component, a vehicle is subject to high stresses and wear.
component has been exceeded, it may break suddenly, therefore risking causing injuries to the user. Cracks, scratches
The various materials and components may react differently to wear or fatigue. If the expected service life for a
and discoloration in the areas subject to high stresses indicate that the component has exceeded its service life and
please contact an authorized or a specialized repaired or Xiaomi's customer service.
4. Personal Information Statement
public against damage;
- to the extent required or permi ed by the law, to protect the rights, interests, property, or safety of users or the
1. Scope of personal information
- disclosed to and used by your emergency contact in an emergency.
You agree that we may collect the following personal information when you register in the Mi Home/Xiaomi Home app
(4) The personal information may be transferred and stored by electrical means. The recipients and/or users of the
aforesaid information and their servers may be located within or outside China.
(the app): name, gender, age, date of birth, ID number, address, contact information, hobbies, occupation, emergency
contact, account information, and the time and location information of your usage of our service. You are providing the
(5) We will protect the security of your personal information. We will adopt security technologies and procedures and
other measures to protect your personal information against unauthorized access, use, or leaks. We will also cause
above information on a voluntary basis.
(6) You agree to exempt the recipients stated herein and/or users of the personal information from all claims, liabilities,
the recipients and users stated herein to undertake to protect and keep confidential your personal information.
2. Collection and processing of personal information
or losses that arise or may arise with respect to information disclosure and use according to the clauses herein,
unless such claims, liabilities or losses are directly caused by willful misconduct or gross negligence of the
The ultimate purpose for us to collect your personal information through the app is to provide you with be er products
and services and to improve and optimize your user experience. The specific collection methods and channels include,
recipients and/or users.
but not limited to:
(7) We will keep your personal information for a period not longer than the period necessary for the intended purpose of
collecting such information, or the period specified in any contract or applicable law.
(1) Membership registration;
(2) Questionnaire;
(8) For details about collection, storage and use of user data, see the privacy policy of Xiaomi Inc. at
(3) A er-sales tracking and return visits;
(5) Organization of events and soliciting of participants.
(4) Soliciting of comments or suggestions on products or services;
5. Copyright Statement
You have the right to refuse to provide your personal information. However, if you refuse to provide certain personal
services may be affected.
information, you may not be able to use the products and services provided by us, or your use of such products or
intellectual properties are under legal protection. They may not be reproduced for commercial use or distribution, or be
We reserve all rights associated with the All texts, images, photos, audios, animations, videos, layout designs, and other
3. Use and disclosure of personal information
used on other sites or apps a er modification.
(1) You agree that your personal information may be used and disclosed (including being stored and processed) in the
6. Trademark Statement
disclosed by us and our affiliated companies, within their respective normal business scopes, to and used by their
following ways: used by us (including our branches); disclosed by us to our affiliated companies for their use;
(2) We and our affiliated companies may send you information about products, services, and activities. You agree to
respective assignees or successors, legal and financial advisers, external suppliers, and agents.
Co., Ltd., all other trademarks and trade names are those of their respective owners.
is the trademark of Xiaomi Inc. All rights reserved. Ninebot is a registered trademark of Ninebot (Tianjin) Technology
receive the aforesaid information.
All the described functions and instructions were up to date at the time of printing this manual. However, the actual
following circumstances or for any of the following purposes:
(3) We may disclose your personal information to a third-party other than those mentioned above under any of the
product may vary due to improved functions and design.
Manufactured for: Xiaomi Communications Co., Ltd.
- upon your special authorization;
Manufactured by: Ninebot (Changzhou) Tech Co., Ltd.
- for compliance with mandatory requirements of laws or government authorities (including judicial authorities);
- for performance of applicable service clauses (including investigations of possible violations);
Address: 16F-17F, Block A, Building 3, No.18, Changwu Mid Rd, Wujin Dist., Changzhou, Jiangsu, China.
- for identifying, preventing, or handling issues relating to fraud, security, or technology;
7. Product Statement
14. Ensure that the tire pressure is within the range specified in the parameter table. Overly high pressure will raise the risk
of loss of control, collisions, and falls. Too low pressure will damage the tire.
Familiarity with the scooter makes riding easier. So, please kindly note that:
15. Check the tire pressure at least twice a month or every time you ride long distance to avoid instability, accidents, and tire damage.
1. Read the scooter user material carefully before riding the vehicle.
16. If the tire becomes loose, stop riding immediately and check the tire.
17. Check the tightness of the brake line regularly to avoid the risk of the brakes being out of position or malfunctioning due
2. Do not allow anyone who has not read the scooter user material to use your scooter.
to loose brake lines. You bear the damage caused by improper maintenance.
3. Correctly install all parts as instructed in the user manual. Improper installation may lead to loss of control, collisions,
and falls. Turn off the power before installation and maintenance. To avoid accidents when riding the scooter, make
18. Step on the scooter from either side and wear professional protective gear.
sure bolts and screws are tightened. Tighten all parts properly. If the parts are too loose or too tight, it may cause
vehicle damage or malfunction.
19. Always wear shoes. Never ride barefoot, in high-heels or sandals when riding the scooter.
20. Do not immerse the ba ery or vehicle in water. Avoid heavy or lengthy exposure to rain and do not clean the vehicle
4. Do not charge the product when the socket is wet. To charge the product, insert the power cable into a correct
with high pressure water as water may get into the charging port. If your scooter has already been exposed to rain, use a
socket (200-240 V/50-60 Hz), and keep it away from children, pets, and flammable materials.
other operations except wiping the body, because improper care and cleaning will void the warranty.
so , dry cloth to wipe it down. Stop using the vehicle immediately and contact the a er-sales service. Do not perform
-20°C (-4°F).
5. Do not place the ba ery in an environment where the ambient temperature is higher than 50°C (122°F) or lower than
21. Braking performance and friction between the tire and road deteriorates in wet conditions, so it is harder to control the
6. Do not use the ba ery if it is damaged, has a strange odor, emits smoke, or gets overheated. Keep a leaking ba ery
22. Recharge the ba ery when the low-ba ery icon is displayed because the scooter may not have adequate power to
speed and easier to lose control. Slow down and brake early when it is wet weather.
7. Do not try to open or dismantle the ba eries and damaged supply cord because they contain hazardous materials
away from other objects.
maintain a high-speed riding.
inside. If the supply cord is damaged, contact our a er-sales support department if you are in doubt.
23. Keep vigilant at all times even if it is easy for you to ride the scooter. Do not go over obstacles or ride on rugged or wet
roads, loose surfaces, or slopes.
for about 120 to 180 days while an undercharged scooter can remain on in standby mode for about 30 to 60 days.
8. Recharge the scooter in time to avoid damaging the ba ery. A fully-charged scooter can remain on in standby mode
24. Watch out for surface changes on roads and grass.
Do not use a charger from any other product. Keep a safe distance from the surrounding
25. Be careful when turning and do not turn too fast.
combustibles when charging.
26. Do not take the risk of riding on steep slopes, rugged surfaces or other surfaces that you did not encounter before.
10. Do not press or knock the ba ery and avoid serious drops or strong vibration of the ba ery. If these conditions
occur, or liquid infiltrates into or splashes into the product, it may cause damage to the ba ery or circuit or short
28. Respect the rights of motorcycle drivers, cyclists, pedestrians and other people.
27. Do not ride on motorways. Obey the traffic rules, let pedestrians go first, and never run a red light.
circuit. Stop using immediately and dispose of properly.
29. Take precautions during riding and be aware of your safety, traffic and pedestrians. Avoid high traffic areas or overcrowded areas.
11. Ask your dealer or customer service for training materials. Familiarize yourself with the scooter before riding
outdoors. The more you practice, the safer you will be when riding in a new environment. Remember the following
30. In any case, anticipate your trajectory and your speed while respecting the code of the road, the code of the sidewalk
10 m, or 32.8
essentials: Start with the basic exercises like going forward, turning, stopping in open places without barriers (≥ 10 m x
x 32.8 ), and keeping your body relaxed. It is advisable for you to practice for the first time under
behind you; opening car doors; people crossing the road; children and pets near the road; and distractions like potholes,
and the most vulnerable. Be prepared to respond to any of these dangers: vehicles decelerating or turning in front of or
instructions of an experienced user or a coach. When you have mastered the basic skills, practice riding through narrow
manhole covers, rail lines, construction, debris, and so on.
surfaces, you can start to ride on roads. If your scooter is updated, start again with the basics.
areas, and then turning and stopping. A er you can precisely control the vehicle in narrow spaces and on various
31. Ride on designated cycle tracks or the road edge if possible. Go in a direction allowed by traffic regulations or that
specified by local government and laws.
12. Examine the scooter every time before you ride it. Ensure that there are no loose or damaged parts.
32. Stop when you see a stop sign or at traffic lights. Get off slowly and watch the traffic. Please keep in mind that there is a
13. Look around before and during riding and braking to avoid injury, damaging the surrounding environment, or injuring others.
risk of colliding with other vehicles when you are riding the scooter. Allow automobiles to go first even when you are
riding on your dedicated path.
33. Do not seek thrills by holding onto other vehicles to get pulled along.
54. Do not modify the scooter.
sub-zero temperatures, move it to and place it in a place with room temperature for at least half an hour before charging it.
34. This vehicle is not intended for acrobatic use.
55. Know and comply with the law in the place you ride the scooter.
35. Do not ride in bad weather, low visibility, or a er intense physical exertion.
56. If your scooter needs repair or test, has errors or malfunction, or if you need to replace vehicle parts, contact our
a er-sales support department if you are in doubt.
destination and the time you expect to return.
36. Do not ride alone in remote areas. Even when you are accompanied by someone else, ensure that people know your
57. The data and parameters of the scooter vary with models, and are subject to change without notice.
37. Be aware of the height added by your helmet and by standing on your scooter. Be careful when you ride indoors, through
58. Any load a ached to the handlebar will affect the stability of the vehicle.
doorways, or in other low-height places.
38. Do not wear loose clothing that might get trapped in the wheel.
59. Switch off the vehicle or into a certain non-operational mode during charging.
39. Wear protective eyewear when riding to protect your eyes against dirt, dust, and insects. Use darker lenses when it is
60. The scooter shall be used only for one person.
bright and clearer lenses when it is dim.
This statement is governed by the laws of the People's Republic of China.
41. The scooter is not a medical instrument. Do not ride the scooter if you cannot get on or off the vehicle without
40. Do not carry passengers or children.
We shall not be liable to any customer for any claims, responsibilities or losses arising from or as a consequence of the
during riding.
customer's violation of the preceding provisions. Riders shall be responsible for any unforeseen or unavoidable risks
42. Do not ride the scooter on stairs, in elevators, or through revolving doors.
You may choose to accept the preceding provisions and start to use the product, or not to accept the preceding provisions
43. Do not ride the scooter in low visibility conditions.
44. Do not ride the scooter on highways unless it is allowed by law.
You must keep the returned product and its package in a condition that does not affect resale of the product.
and return the product.
45. Do not divert the use of scooter, such as to transport cargo.
To resell your scooter, remember to hand this Legal Statement together to the buyer, because it is a statutory part of
46. Slow down and give way to pedestrians, bicycles, and automobiles when approaching or passing through crossroads,
the vehicle.
47. Remain vigilant when you ride the scooter as you do with another means of transport. Do not ride the scooter when you
motorways, corners, and gates.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us. Thank you again for choosing our products.
are ill or under the influence of alcohol or drugs.
49. Note that the scooter is designed for people between the ages of 16-50. Parents are advised not to allow their minor
48. Do not use your phone or perform other tasks when riding because you need to be aware of your surroundings all the time.
children to ride the scooter.
50. Do not make emergency stops, especially on smooth surfaces, to avoid skidding and falling.
no-parking areas, such as emergency exit and fire escape.
51. The vehicle may slide if it is parked and powered on, so turn the power off when you park. Do not park the scooter in
52. In summer, store the scooter in a safe place where the temperature is below 45°C (133°F). Do not leave it under direct
53. In winter, store the vehicle in a safe place where the temperature is not lower than -20°C (-4°F). A er storing the vehicle in
sunlight for an extended time.
8. Certifications
European Union Compliance Statement
Ba ery recycling information for the European Union
Ba eries or packaging for ba eries are labeled in accordance with European Directive 2006/66/EC and amendment
2013/56/EU concerning ba eries and accumulators and waste ba eries and accumulators. The Directive determines
the framework for the return and recycling of used ba eries and accumulators as applicable throughout the European
reclaimed upon end of life per this Directive.
Union. This label is applied to various ba eries to indicate that the ba ery is not to be thrown away, but rather
In accordance with the European Directive 2006/66/EC and amendment 2013/56/EU, ba eries and accumulators are
include a chemical symbol for the metal concerned in the ba ery (Pb for lead, Hg for mercury, and Cd for cadmium).
labeled to indicate that they are to be collected separately and recycled at end of life. The label on the ba ery may also
Users of ba eries and accumulators must not dispose of ba eries and accumulators as unsorted municipal waste, but
accumulators. Customer participation is important to minimize any potential effects of ba eries and accumulators on
use the collection framework available to customers for the return, recycling, and treatment of ba eries and
the environment and human health due to the potential presence of hazardous substances.
Before placing electrical and electronic equipment (EEE) in the waste collection stream or in waste collection facilities,
the end user of equipment containing ba eries and/or accumulators must remove those ba eries and accumulators for
separate collection.
Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) Directive
"All products bearing this symbol are waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE as in directive 2012/19/EU)
environment by handing over your waste equipment to a designated collection point for the recycling of waste
which should not be mixed with unsorted household waste. Instead, you should protect human health and the
will help prevent potential negative consequences to the environment and human health. Please contact the installer
electrical and electronic equipment, appointed by the government or local authorities. Correct disposal and recycling
or local authorities for more information about the location as well as terms and conditions of such collection points".
visualizza la velocità a uale del monopa ino, nonché i codici di errore.
anteriore e il fanale posteriore sono entrambi accesi*). D è per la modalità standard, S per la modalità sport.
è per la modalità a passo d'uomo*; la velocità massima del monopa ino è di 6 km/h; in questa modalità il fanale posteriore lampeggia (il fanale
Promemoria di bloccaggio:
l'icona indica che il monopa ino è connesso con il dispositivo mobile.
bloccare il monopa ino tramite l' app Mi Home/Xiaomi Home.
rosso, il monopa ino è in fase di errore.
Notifica di errore:
se l'icona a forma chiave inglese diventa rossa, il monopa ino deve essere riparato. Se l'icona a forma di chiave inglese lampeggia in
Avvertenza di surriscaldamento:
Livello della ba eria:
il livello della ba eria è indicato da 5 barre, ognuna rappresenta circa il 20% della ba eria.
se la temperatura della ba eria raggiunge i 50 °C, si accenderà l'icona del termometro. Ciò può comportare una
funzionamento, il monopa ino può essere nuovamente utilizzato o ricaricato.
diminuzione della accelerazione ed eventualmente problemi nella ricarica. Sospendere immediatamente l'utilizzo o la ricarica del monopa ino e a endere
che la temperatura della ba eria torni alla normalità. Una volta che la temperatura della ba eria è rientrata nel normale intervallo di temperatura di
monopa ino è acceso, premere il pulsante per accendere/spegnere la luce anteriore e posteriore, premere due volte per passare da una modalità all'altra.
Pulsante di accensione:
premere il pulsante per accendere il monopa ino e premere e tenere premuto il pulsante per 3 secondi per spegnerlo. Quando il
Данное изделие компании Ninebot (Changzhou) Tech Co., Ltd. с прилагаемыми к нему деталями (кабелями,
Директива об ограничении использования опасных веществ (RoHS)
опасных веществ в электрическом и электронном оборудовании ("Директива RoHS переработанная" или
шнурами и др.) соответствует требованиям Директивы 2011/65/EU об ограничении использования определенных
"Директива RoHS 2").
Директива по радиооборудованию
Certification Experts B.V.
Amerlandseweg 7, 3621 ZC Breukelen, The Netherlands (г. Брёкелен, Нидерланды)
Данное устройство соответствует требованиям ЕС об ограничении воздействия электромагнитных полей на
население с целью защиты здоровья.
Этим документом компания [Ninebot (Changzhou) Tech Co., Ltd.] заявляет, что радиоаппаратура типа
[DDHBC16NEB], [DDHBC18NEB] и [DDHBC24NEB] соответствует требованиям директивы 2014/53/EU. Полный текст
декларации о соответствии для ЕС доступен по следующему адресу:
h p://
Сделано в Китае
Дата изготовления: см. на упаковке
is voor de voetgangermodus (loopmodus*), de maximum snelheid van de step is 6 km/u en het achterlicht knippert in deze modus (de
gee de huidige snelheid van de step en de foutcodes weer.
koplamp en het achterlicht branden beide*). D staat voor standaardmodus en S voor sportmodus.
het pictogram gee aan dat de step is verbonden met het mobiele apparaat.
vergrendel de step via de Mi Home-/Xiaomi Home-app.
togram rood knippert, betekent dit dat de step een fout hee .
als het rode moersleutelpictogram wordt weergegeven, betekent dit dat de step moet worden gerepareerd. Als het moersleutelpic-
Oververhi ingswaarschuwing:
het accuvermogen wordt aangegeven met 5 balken, die elk ongeveer 20% van een volledig opgeladen accu vertegenwoordigen.
wanneer de accutemperatuur 50 °C bereikt, zal het thermometerpictogram oplichten. Dit resulteert in een
verminderde versnelling en mogelijke oplaadproblemen. Stop onmiddellijk met het gebruiken of opladen van de step en wacht tot de accu is
afgekoeld. Zodra de accutemperatuur binnen het normale bedrijfstemperatuurbereik ligt, kan de step weer worden gebruikt of opgeladen.
step is ingeschakeld, druk op de knop om de koplamp en het achterlicht aan en uit te schakelen; druk twee keer op de knop om tussen de
verschillende standen te wisselen.
druk op de knop om de step in te schakelen en houd de knop 3 seconden lang ingedrukt om de step uit te schakelen. Wanneer de
відображення поточної швидкості самоката, а також кодів помилок.
– пішохідний режим (режим ходьби*). Максимальна швидкість самоката становить 6 км/год, і задня фара блимає в цьому
destina-se ao modo de peões (modo pedestre*), a velocidade máxima da trotinete é de 6 km/h, sendo que o farol traseiro pisca neste modo
Apresenta a velocidade atual da trotinete bem como os códigos de erros.
режимі (ввімкнено і передню фару, і задню*). D – стандартний режим, S – спортивний режим.
(tanto o farol dianteiro como o traseiro estão ligados*). D representa o modo padrão e S representa o modo desportivo.
Нагадування про блокування:
цей значок показує, що самокат успішно підключено до мобільного пристрою.
заблокуйте самокат за допомогою програми Mi Home або Xiaomi Home.
Lembrete de bloqueio:
O ícone indica que a trotinete foi ligada com sucesso ao dispositivo móvel.
Bloqueie a trotinete através da aplicação Mi Home/Xiaomi Home.
ключа блимає червоним, у роботі самоката виникла помилка.
Сповіщення про помилку:
якщо значок гайкового ключа світиться червоним, самокат потрібно відремонтувати. Якщо значок гайкового
Notificação de erros:
de forma intermitente a vermelho, a trotinete tem um erro.
Quando o ícone da chave inglesa aparece a vermelho, a trotinete precisa de reparação. Quando o ícone da chave inglesa aparece
призводить до повільнішого прискорення та може спричинити проблеми із заряджанням. Негайно припиніть використання чи
Рівень заряду батареї:
Попередження про перегрівання:
позначається 5 смугами, кожна з яких відповідає приблизно 20 % повного заряду.
коли температура батареї сягає 50 °C, починає світитися значок термометра. Перегрівання
Nível da bateria:
A carga da bateria é apresentada através de cinco barras, cada uma representando aproximadamente 20% da capacidade total da
повернеться до норми.
заряджання самоката й зачекайте, доки батарея не охолоне. Самокат можна використовувати чи заряджати, коли температура батареї
da bateria desça. Assim que a temperatura da bateria se encontrar nos valores normais, a trotinete pode voltar a ser utilizada ou carregada.
aceleração reduzida e em possíveis problemas de carregamento. Pare imediatamente de utilizar ou carregar a trotinete e espere até que a temperatura
Aviso de sobreaquecimento:
Quando a temperatura da bateria atingir os 50 °C, será apresentado o ícone do termómetro. Isto irá resultar numa
натисніть цю кнопку, щоб увімкнути чи вимкнути передню та задню фари. Натискайте її двічі, щоб перемикатися між режимами.
Кнопка живлення:
натисніть її, щоб увімкнути самокат, і утримуйте протягом 3 секунд, щоб вимкнути його. Коли самокат увімкнено,
prima o botão para ligar/desligar o farol frontal e traseiro, e prima duas vezes para percorrer os modos.
Botão de alimentação:
Prima o botão para ligar a trotinete e prima o botão durante três segundos para a desligar. Quando a trotinete estiver ligada,
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