- Make sure the DAY, NIGHT/CONTINUOUS setting is the desired one.
- In areas of crops with tall trees (apples, cherries, pears, etc.) it is
possible that the birds perch underneath the tops and avoid the
strongest sound. In this case additional speakers may be needed
under the tops.
- It is very important to install the repeller before the fruit ripens. We
recommend that you install it 2 weeks before you envisage that birds
may become a problem. Feeding habits are difficult to change, it is
better stop them developing.
Advice on operation for residential use to protect
homes, photovoltaic panels and roofs.
The BS-20L repeller is also effective for the protection of roofs,
photovoltaic systems, balconies, monuments, fountains and, in general,
all those urban areas that are frequented by humans, which need
protection from pest birds such as pigeons, seagulls, sparrows, etc.
It is important to install the repeller only after the has been