2.1 Loca on
When selec ng a posi on for your unit you should make sure the floor is flat and firm, and the
room is well ven lated. Avoid loca ng your unit near a heat source, e.g. cooker, boiler or radiator.
Also avoid direct sunlight as it may increase the electrical consump on. Extreme cold ambient
temperatures may also cause the unit not to perform properly. This unit is not designed for use in
an outdoor installati on.
When installing the unit, ensure that 3 inch of free space is le at both sides, 1 inch at the rear
and 1 inch at the top of the unit. This will allow cold air to circulate around the refrigerator and
improve the efficiency of the cooling process.
The unit is designed to operate within an ambient temperature range of 41°F to 109°F.