d. To set up WEP security on your network, in the Authentication field, select Open or
Shared, and in the Encryption field, select WEP.
Click the right arrow to save your settings.
e. I
n the screen that displays, set up a WEP key. You can enter up to four keys, in hexa-
decimal or ASCII format, in four lengths. In the 'Default Tx Key' field, select the key num-
ber for the key you are setting up. In the 'Key Format' field select whether the key is in
hexadecimal or ASCII format.
If 'Hex(10 or 26 characters)' is selected, in the 'WEP Key' field, type a key 10 or 26
characters long, made up of digits "0' to '9' and letters 'A' to 'F'.
If 'ASCII(5 or 13 characters)' is selected, in the 'WEP Key' field, type a key 5 or 13
characters long, made up of digits '0'-'9' and letters 'a'-'z' and 'A'-'Z'.
Nota: Anote su clave de seguridad inalámbrica en un lugar seguro para su uso cuando
se agregan otros equipos o dispositivos a la red inalámbrica.
Dé un clic al a fleche derecha para salvar su configuración.