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Blaupunkt BP4006 Manual De Instrucciones página 6


Idiomas disponibles

Idiomas disponibles

Read this manual carefully before using the device and save it for future reference. to reduce possible
risk of fire, electrics shock or personal injury, keep in mind the following instrucctions:
Before operating this appliance, read the following instructions. Keep the manual in a safe place so you
can consult it at any time.
After removing the packaging, check that the appliance is in good condition, and if you have any
questions, do ot turn it on.
Contact your distributor or seller for the return of thje appliance.
This device is packed for protection against any damage or damage that may be caused by
The packaging is made up of plastics and other materials that can be dangerous. Keep out of reach of
children . These materials are recyclable and must be delivered in a unit of the appropiate recycling,
respecting the environmental laws.
Conecte el aparato únicamente a una fuente de alimentación de CA. El voltaje indicado en la placa de
características que esta fijada en el aparato, debe coincidir con el voltaje dela fuente de alimentación.
Desconectar siempre el aparato de la toma después de usarlo, para desmontarlo o limpiarlo.
Montar y utilizar el aparatosiempre en una superficie firme y estable.
Nunque coloque el aparato encima o cerca de fuentes de calor, como por ejemplo una cocina a gas /
eléctrica o dentro de un horno caliente. Mantenga el cable de alimentación lejos de estas fuentes de
calor o de objetos cortantes y afilados.
Nunca manipule el cable de alimentación con las manos mojadas.
El uso de accesorios o piezas no recomendadas por el fabricante, puede provocar un incendio, una
descarga elécrica o lesiones graves.
Este aparato estaá fabricado para ser utilizado en interiores. Nunca lo utilice al aire libre o partes
externas de la casa.
This appliance has been designed for DOMESTIC USE only and must not be used with any other
appliance, such as for example installation.
Do not handle the appliance with wet hands and do not immerse it in water or any other liquid.
Unplug the appliance from the mains before cleaning it.
This device is not intended to be used by people Including children) with reduced physical capacities,
sensory or mental, or lack of experience and knowledge, unless they have received instructions
regarding use of the deviceor are accompanied by a responsible person.
Keep the device out of the reach of children under 8 years.
Children should be surpervised during use, to make sure they do not play with the appliance.
Do not continue using the appliance if you notice that it is not working properly. Turn it off immediately
and look for the manufacturer or an authorized tecnical service so that a quialified technician can
evaluate the damage and repair it if necessary.
If the power cord is damaged, it must be replaced by the manufacturer or by a qualified
technician to avoid the risk of electric shock.
Turn off the appliance and disconnect the power cord from the power outlet before replacing any part
or accesory, or before touching the moving part of de device.
Connect the device only to an AC power source. The voltage indicated on the rating plate that is on the
device, must match the voltage of the power supply.
Always mount and use the appliance on a stable and secure surface.
Never place the appliance on or near heat sources, such as a gas / electric stove or inside a hot oven.
Keep the power cord away from these sources of heator sharp objets.
Never handle the power cord with wet hands.
The use of accesories or parts not recommended by the manufacturer may cause a fire, an electric
shock or serious injuries.
this device is manufactured to be used indoors. Never use it outdoors or in outside parts of the house.
Please read this manual carefully before using this appliance and save it for future reference.
Do not immerse de mixer motor in water or any other liquid. Do ot rinse by placing it directly under the tap.
ManualBP4006_Batidoramano.indd 6
4/8/21 18:36

