Operating instructions
Operating instructions
General safety instructions
Intended use
▲ The lifting system serves exclusively for lifting of the METTLER TOLEDO PUA579 weighing platforms' load plate.
Any other use is classified as non-intended use.
Owner's duties
▲ Ensure that the installation is only performed by an authorised METTLER TOLEDO service technician.
▲ Ensure that no changes are made to the lifting system. Otherwise, safe operation can no longer be guaranteed.
▲ Ensure that the lifting system is only operated in a temperature range from –10 °C to +40 °C. Otherwise, the
safety of the pneumatic springs is not guaranteed.
▲ Ensure that personnel are instructed on use and have read and understood these operating instructions before
working with the lifting system.
Opening the lifting system
1. Move the green stop levers forward (1.).
The load plate must be automatically opened at an
angle of at least 5°.
If this is not the case, the pneumatic springs must
be replaced.
2. Lift the weighing platform with the lifting system
until it cannot go any further (2.).
3. Ensure that the securing lever (a) is locked.
Operating instructions 22016758