Motor unable running, running too
slow, or getting hot.
Sticking of main compressor.
Terrible shake or abnormal noise.
Pressure insufficient or discharge
capacity decreased.
The oil Consumption too excessive.
Possible Causes
1 - Fault in line, or voltage insufficient.
Power wire too thin or too long.
2 - Power wire too thin or too long.
3 - Fault in motor.
4 - Sticking of main compressor.
1 - Moving parts burnt due to the oil
2 - Moving parts damaged, or stuck
by foreign body.
1 - Connecting part loosed.
2 - Foreign body got into main
3 - Piston knocking valve seat.
4 - Moving parts seriously worn.
1 - Motor running too slow.
2 - Air filter chocked up.
3 - Leakage of safety valve.
4 - Leakage of discharge pipe.
5 - Sealing gasket damaged.
6 - Valve plate damaged, carbon
buildup or stuck.
7 - Piston ring and cylinder worn or
1 - Oil level too high.
2 - Breath pipe chocked up.
3 - Piston ring and cylinder
worn or damaged.
1 - Check the line.
Replace the wire.
2 - Repair or replace.
3 - Repair or replace.
4 - Check and repair.
1 - Check crankshaft, bearing,
connecting rod, piston, piston ring,
etc, and replace if necessary.
1 - Check and retighten.
2 - Check and clean away.
3 - Replace with thicker
paper gasket.
4 - Repair or replace.
1 - Check remedy.
2 - Clean or replace the cartridge.
3 - Check and adjust.
4 - Check and repair.
5 - Check and replace.
6 - Replace and clean.
7 - Repair or replace.
1 - Keep the level whithin
set range.
2 - Check and clean.
3 - Repair or replace.