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SMART + WIFI TABLE FRAME USB-C Input / Charge 100% **** **** App Store Google Play DEVICE TROUBLESHOOTING DECREASE DISTANCE RESET CUSTOMER SUPPORT https://smartplus.ledvance.com/support https://smartplus.ledvance.com/faq smarthome-support@ledvance.com...
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* X = SMART ODWIFI 4058075763241 AC44478 TABLEFRAMEMAXPBUSBRGBW SMART OUTD WIFI 4058075564466 AC44478 TABLEFRAMEPBUSBRGBW * Dieses Produkt enthält eine Lichtquelle der Energieeffizienzklasse <X>. This product contains a light source of energy efficiency class <X>. Ce produit contient une source lumineuse de classe d’efficacité énergétique <X>. Questo prodotto contiene una sorgente luminosa di classe di efficienza energetica <X>. ...
Página 5
RF max. 20dBm oddajana moč 20dBm Por la presente, LEDVANCE GmbH declara que el tipo de equipo de radio Burada, LEDVANCE GmbH, telsiz ekipman tipi LEDVANCE SMART+ Cihazı- SMART+ de LEDVANCE cumple la Directiva 2014/53/UE. El texto completo de nın 2014/53/EU Direktifine uygun olduğunu beyan eder.
Página 6
Steuerung mit unserer kostenlosen LEDVANCE-App. Bequeme Sprachsteuerung mit allen gängigen Smart-Lautsprechern. SMART: INDIVIDUAL OPERATION. Works with a normal light switch. On/Off function. Automatic pairing time of 3 min. Smart control with our free LEDVANCE app. Convenient voice control with all common smart speakers.