1. Turn the power switch off and back on.
2. Check to see if the Motor Overheat/Overload
Indicator is on. If so, you will have to wait till
the shredder cools down and the indicator
shuts off.
3. Press the RESET/STOP button.
4. Check Auto Stack Feed Entry, Manual Feed
Entry, and CD entry for jammed materials or
My machine is not operating
foreign objects. If there are jammed materials,
but the Power indicator light
pull out and Press the RESET/STOP button,
is on.
5. Check the control panel indicator lights.
If Check Door/Safety Cover Indicator is on,
close the door and the safety cover.
If Basket Full Indicator is on, empty the
basket. If Check Basket Indicator is on,
check to make sure the basket is properly
placed inside the shredder.
1. Check Specifications to make sure the correct
paper is being used.
I have inserted 7 sheets
2. Shredded pieces may be on the cutter. If the
into the Manual Feed Entry
Power Indicator is blinking press the
and it is jamming.
RESET/STOP button. Then hold down the
FWD button until all of the shredded pieces fall
into the basket. You can then re-insert the
papers to be shredded.