Emergency stop:
In connection with towing that gets out of control, you can block both caterpillar tracks
electronically to stop the Camper Trolley immediately by pressing and holding down the middle red
Change of batteries in remote control:
When the sender signal from the remote control becomes too weak - this is the case when you
need to stand very close to the Camper Trolley before it reacts - it is time to replace the batteries in
the remote control. To do this: Loosen the 4 screws on the back of the remote control and remove
the panel. Next replace the 9.0 V battery. Remember to dispose of the batteries in a manner that
respects the environment - do not dispose of them with ordinary household waste.
After use:
When you are finished towing the camping trailer and you want to disconnect the Camper Trolley,
pull the parking brake and adjust the nose wheel so that the trailer is slightly elevated. This takes
the weight off the Camper Trolley. Next remove the cotter and use the remote control to move the
Camper Trolley out of the lock fitting (or pull it out manually).
After dismounting:
Put the Camper Trolley in the factory delivered transport box/bag, either in the car or in the sun for
After use:
Remember to store the Camper Trolley in a frost-free environment and to operate it at least every
other month.
If you have used the Camper Trolley in wet or filthy conditions, you can clean it in the following
Remove pebbles, clay, grass and the like from the belts. Then give it a gentle cleaning using a small
amount of clean water and a brush or cloth. Do not use soap/cleansing agents or a high-pressure
Never leave the Camper Trolley mounted to the camping trailer while towing the trailer behind a car.
It is important that you always dismount the Camper Trolley after use and place it in the storage
box/bag provided. If the storage box/bag should become damaged, discard it. A new plastic sto¬
rage box/bag may be obtained from your Camper Trolley distributor.
This product Is covered by warranty In accordance with relevant EU legislation. In case of any claim
regarding this product, please contact the distributor and provide information about: the cause of
the error or defect and the date of purchase. Include the invoice / proof of purchase.
Mover Technology
Ved Stranden 1
DK-9560 Hadsund
Gratulerer med Camper Trolley'en og takk for at du valgte et produkt fra Mover Technology.
Vi hSper at du fSr glede av dette produktet i mange Sr.
Det er viktig at hele denne veiledningen leses grundig innen Camper Trolley'en tas i bruk.
Tekniske data:
Batteri, type:
Belastningstrykk, maks.:
Hastighet, ubelastet:
Hastighet, belastet:
Passer til:
6.400 mAh
Ca. 30 min. drift
230 V - 14,4 V. Kapasitet 1.0 A
1 stk. AA - 9,0 V
500 kg
Ca. 9 m/min.
Ca. 8 m/min.
2 stk. 14,4 V planetgirsmotorer
3 min. sikkerhetsslukkefunksjon
18,0 V, 1,17 W
Vogner opptil 1500 kg
2 stk. med terrenggummiprofiler
16,5 kg
Innhold i transportkassen:
Ved utpakkingen av Camper Trolley'en bar man sikre seg at alle delene er i kassen.
Ved eventuelle mangier skal forhandleren kontaktes.
1 stk.
Camper Trolley:
1 stk.
Lader 230 V 1.0 A:
1 stk.
1 stk.
1 stk.
+ Opphengsbeslag som bestSr av folgende deler:
1 stk.
2 stk.
2 stk.
Forlengelsesrar til beslag
1 stk.
+ skruer og muttere til monteringsbeslag,
EU-samsvarserklasring kan fUs ved henvendelse til produsenten.
Mover Technology
Ved Stranden 1
DK-9560 Hadsund