30°- 60° Recommended Internal Splay Angulation Sum
This is the most useful level of vertical coverage for the most
typical flown Line-Array applications and it will ensure balanced
coverage and SPL within the listening area for the majority of
the applications.
4-6 × EVO55
The example image shows a 5˚×7-elements configuration
[Total splay angle sum: 30˚]
Average Angle: 5˚
8-12 × EVO55
The example image shows a 5˚×10-elements configuration
[Total splay angle sum: 45˚]
Average Angle: 5˚
These presets are found as standard in the EVO55-M integrated
DSP and can be directly selected from the back pannel interface
as shown in the corresponding section of this document.
12-16 × EVO55
The example image shows a 2.5˚×14-elements configuration
[Total splay angle sum: 32.5˚]
Average Angle: 2.5˚
Larger internal splay angle counts result in greater cur-
vatures, with wider vertical coverage patterns and lesser
summing of the HF energy. This kind of angling is found
in Arrays with a small box count or in larger arrays that
are ground-stacked or installed close to grandstands in
Sport arenas.
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User Manual