1. Why cannot I access the Internet after configuring the network?
① Check if you can find the router's Wi-Fi in your phone. If not, ensure that the
routeris turned on and started.
② Use your phone to find and connect to the router.
③ Visit miwifi.com.
④ Try to fix the problem according to the network s diagnosis.
2. How do I restore the router to its factory settings?
① Ensure that the router has been started.
② Press and hold the reset button on the router for 5 seconds or more.
Note: Release the reset button when the router's indicator turns orange.
③ The router resets successfully after it is restarted.
Note: The router restores to its factory settings after being reset, and you need to
reconfigure the router to use it.
3. What should I do if I have forgotten the router's management password?
If you do not make any changes to the management password, it will be the same
as the Wi-Fi password, please try to log in with this password. If the problem
persists, it isrecommended to restore the router to the factory settings and
reconfigure the network.