To create the account, fill in the form and press SIGN IN.
Your account is now created and ready for use.
To add a new A/C Station, select from main menu REGISTER A NEW A/C MACHINE.
Please insert the activation code of the machine you'll find on the display of the A/C Station
Then please give the machine a name and digit it in the field CUSTOM NAME. With this name
the workshop will identify the machine. Then press ENTER NEW MACHINE (blue button).
Now the machine is added in the account. You can add further machines. In menu MY FLEET
you can now see all machines registered. Select one of them and start with the on- line
information transfer both on PC, Smartphone, Tablet or iPhone.
In this function you receive information about the service archive; i. e. date of the services
done, operator, plate of the car, quantity refrigerant recovered and injected, oil quantity,
vacuum time, temperature, refrigerant type
You can export ALL SERVICES (orange button) or selected services (green buttons) for the
use in workshops administration, documentation, reports ....