Aidoo Pro Control Wi-Fi by Airzone
Aidoo Pro is a solution for the remote control and integration of AC units via Cloud services.
Thanks to its wide range of integration options, Aidoo Pro facilitates the management of
these units from home automation and building management systems, or even from a smart
thermostat without losing functionality.
The main functions of the Aidoo Pro device are:
Unit control and error detection. The control options depend on each model. In general, the
following unit parameters can be configured:
Unit status control (On/Off).
Operation mode.
Fan speed.
Set-point temperature.
Room temperature reading.
Adjustment of slats (parameter available depending on the model).
Auxiliary heat source control (configurable from Airtools on Airzone Cloud). The device offers
control over a heat supply stage in situations when the unit is unable to reach the set-point
temperature desired by the user. The control is managed by means of a relay output (12 Vdc),
which is disabled by default. The user can select the activation and deactivation temperature of
this function with respect to the set-point temperature within a set range.
Heat source locking based on the outdoor temperature (configurable from Airtools on
Airzone Cloud). The device offers control over a function that blocks heat sources. The Auxiliary
Heat function can be blocked if the outdoor temperature is higher than a selectable maximum
value; furthermore, the Heat Pump can be blocked if the outdoor temperature is lower than a
selectable minimum value.
Digital input (configurable from Airtools on Airzone Cloud). The digital input enables the
remote on/off control of the unit depending on the accessory used, which can be configured
as open window detection or as occupancy detection. By default, it will be disabled and
configured as "normally open".
Auto Mode (configurable from Airtools on Airzone Cloud). Auto mode enables the automatic
change of the operation mode.
Gateway function (configurable from Airtools on Airzone Cloud). The device can be configured
to function as a communication gateway, allowing an individual indoor unit to be integrated
into an Airzone zoned system.
Set-point temperature adjustment. Two set-point temperatures can be set.
Temperature limit adjustment (configurable from Airtools on Airzone Cloud). The maximum
temperature can be set in heating mode, and the minimum temperature in cooling mode.
Time schedules. Status, temperature, mode and speed scheduling.