Shenzhen AtomStack Technologies Co., Ltd.
*B.Click the Grbl, and select the Grbl Configuration
*C. Find the$100(X-axis travel resolution), $101(Y-axis travel resolution),and set the
Value according to your device,( you can first engrave a small square with 30*30mm to
confirm the pulse value. The processing is to check if error is within 1mm after testing
engraving is finished. If confirmed, that is the suitable pulse value)click write and close to
finish the configuration.
4.2 LightBurn installation and pulse value setting
1 Software Download
You could visit and download the software from the link:
2 Install LightBurn
Click to install the software ( LightBurn need to charge, you may pay for the genuine to get
the better experience, here we will show by the trial for installation ), and click the next for next
Grbl Configuration
4.3 Grbl Configuration
4.4 X and Y Axis pulse setting
4.5 Select the installation