A Shell | B Head band | C Chin strap | D Buckle | E Size adjustment system | F Side slings | G Dividing
buckles | H Lamp holders | I Safety Ring | L Protective insert | L1 Visor and torch "SIDE LIGHT" fi xing
holes | M Earmuffs fi xing holes
A Calotta | B Bardatura | C Cinturino sottogola | D Fibbia | E Sistema di regolazione della taglia | F
Fettucce laterali | G Divisori | H Ferma-lampada | I Anello di sicurezza | L Inserto di protezione | L1
Fori di fi ssaggio di visiera e torcia "SIDE LIGHT" | M Fori di fi ssaggio delle cuffi e
A Calotte | B Bandeau | C Mentonnière | D Boucle | E Système de réglage de la taille | F Sangles
latérales | G Boucles de division | H Fixation pour la lampe | I Anneau de sécurité | L Pièce de
protection | L1 Trou de fi xation pour la visière et la torche « SIDE LIGHT » | M Trou de fi xation pour
casque antibruit
A Helmschale | B Kopfband | C Kinnriemen | D Schnalle | E Größenverstellsystem | F Seitliche Bänder
| G Verstellschnallen | H Lampenhalter | I Sicherheitsring | L Schutzeinsatz | L1 Befestigungsloch
für das Visier und die Taschenlampe „SIDE LIGHT" | M Befestigungssitz für Kapselgehörschützer
A Carcasa | B Arnés | C Correa de garganta | D Heblla | E Sistema de regulación de la talla | F
Cinchas laterales | G Hebillas divisorias | H Portalámparas | I Anillo de seguridad | L Inserción de
protección | L1 Agujeros de fi jación de la visera y de la antorcha "SIDE LIGHT" | M Agujeros de
fi jación de las orejeras
Read and always follow the information supplied by the manufacturer
Leggere e seguire sempre le informazioni fornite dal fabbricante
Toujours lire et suivre les informations fournies par le fabricant
Die Angaben des Herstellers müssen immer gelesen und befolgt werden
Lea siempre y respete la información proporcionada por el fabricante
Download the declaration of conformity at:
Scarica la dichiarazione di conformità da:
Télécharger la déclaration de conformitè sur:
Laden Sie die Konformitätserklärung herunter von:
Descargar la declaratión de conformidad en:
Please calculate the lifespan of the device according to:
Calcola la vita utile del dispositivo in accordo a:
Calculer la durée de vie de le dispositif selon:
Berechnen Sie die Lebensdauer der Vorrichtung nach:
Calcular la vida útil del dispositivo según:
KONG S.p.A. - Via XXV Aprile, 4 23804 Monte Marenzo (LC) - Italy
+39 0341 630506 |
Category II Personal Protective Equipment 997.16A MOUSE SPORT is a helmet:
- designed to protect the user from any dangers which might occur during
mountaineering activities;
- certifi ed according to the norm EN 12492:2012.
Important: the helmet is designed to absorb the energy of a shock through the
destruction or partial damage of the shell (A) and/or the head band (B). Replace
the device even if the damage is not visible.
To guarantee adequate protection:
- put on the helmet (fi g. 1)
- place the adjustment system (E) – (fi g.2);
- rotate the rear wheel (E) – (clockwise to reduce the size and
- counterclockwise to increase it) to adjust the size until achieving the required
tension (fi g. 2);
- tighten the chin strap (C) inserting the buckles until the lock clicks (fi g. 3);
- adjust the chin strap length (C) to keep the helmet fi rm on your head (fi g. 4);
- slide the division buckles (G) of the side slings (F) until the desired position is
reached (fi g. 5);
- the helmet shall be worn perfectly centred on the head, it should not move,
either backwards, forwards, or laterally. It must always be fastened (fi g. 6).
- this helmet is not for motorcycle use;
- do not hang up your helmet by the size adjustment device (E) – (fi g. 7);
- do not modify the helmet or apply non-original accessories or in a manner
different from that recommended by the manufacturer;
- do not apply coatings or solvents;
- only manufacturer-supplied or water-based adhesives may be applied;
Optional accessories – compatibility
The helmet MOUSE SPORT is designed to fi t:
- headlamps, which can be fi xed by means of the lamp holder (H) – (fi g. 8);
- the 997.003 "SIDE LIGHT" torch (fi g. 9) – (fi xing method defi ned in the
product's instructions for use);
- earmuffs by using the fastening kit 997.051 "MOUSE PLATES" (fi g. 10);
- the visors 997.046 "VISOR LONG" and 997.056 "VISOR" (fi g. 11).
How to combine the items:
- earmuffs:
a) remove the sticker shown in fi gure 12,
b) install fastening kit 997.051 "MOUSE PLATES" on the shell (A) – (fi g. 13)
c) insert the headphones inside the fastening kit with the bayonet mount (fi g. 14).
- visor:
a) remove the protective insert (L) from the shell (A) – (fi g. 15),
b) insert the guides (O) in the shell holes (L1),
c) check that the guides (O) are installed correctly (fi g. 16),
d) install the visor (N) on the guides (O) – (fi g. 17),
e) fasten the 2 fastening disks (P) by means of the screws (Q) – (fi g. 18).
Checks before and after use
Before and after use, make sure that the device is in an effi cient condition and
that it is working properly, in particular, check that:
- it is suitable for the intended use;
- textile parts do not have cuts, burns, chemical residues, excessive hair, wear;
- stitching is intact, and there are no cut or loose threads;
- the shell (A) is not deformed and shows no signs of cracks or wear;
- the size adjustment (E) and locking systems (D and G) work correctly;
- markings, including labels, are legible.
Certifi cation
This device has been certifi ed by the notifi ed body No. 0497 CSI S.p.A. V.le
Lombardia, 20 - 20021 Bollate MI – Italy
Master Text