Improper use may lead to cell function failure, serious
heating, and even fire and explosion. To protect you
against injury and property damage, please store and
use this product in strict accordance with the
following requirements:
•This product, which is not a toy, must be kept out of
the reach of children. To avoid accidents, no child is
allowed to use or play with the product.
•To prevent electric shock or cell damage, please be
sure to charge this product with a charger that meets
local safety standards (such as China 3C certification
•Do not press or strike this product heavily and avoid
the cases that may cause severe fall or strong
vibration. If these conditions occur, or liquid
seeps/splashes into the interior of this product, stop
using immediately and handle them properly because
such case may cause cell or circuit damage or short
•If this product experiences swelling, deformation, fluid
leakage, and significant decrease in capacity, stop
using it immediately and handle it properly.
•Do not charge or discharge this product in any places
that may affect its heat dissipation, such as pockets,
enclosed bags, on the beds, sofas, and other places.