AUXILAB, S.L. warrants this equipment for a period of twelve months from the date of
purchasing to be free from any defects of manufacturing that affects its functioning, we
will replace these pieces which break due to a manufacturing defect. The change of these
pieces will be free during the warranty period and will not extend it.
This warranty does not extend to any products which have been subject to misuse, have
been manipulated by somebody else other than our Technical Service, or have not been
installed properly. This also affects to equipments that have not used the original acces-
This limited warranty does not extend to any equipments which have been damaged as a
result of catastrophic causes ( fire, flood,...), atmospheric, blows or falls.
The costs caused by this repair, the transport of the equipments to our Technical Services
and its return will be paid by the user.
It is necessary the presentation of the Warranty Certificate properly filled (without stro-
kes or crossing outs) in order to achieve any free of charge operation of our Technical
Service during the warranty period. This warranty does not extend to the maintenance of
the equipment or its pieces, or the damages produced by the everyday use of the appara-
To provide a better service, when you send an equipment to our Technical Service we
would be grateful if you could provide us with the following information.
Serie number:
Date of purchase:
Brief description
of the damage:
AUXILAB, S.L. Polígono Morea Norte, 8-31191 BERIAIN (Navarra)
Manual de instrucciones 50200xxx
Página 21
Tel(948) 310 513
e-mail: asistencia@auxilab.com
Fax(948) 310 500 - 312 071
Revisión 3 del 08-02
Pág. 21