machine. If any labels have been removed or are no longer legible, contact your nearest
dealer for replacement.
4.2 Safety Procedures and Notes before Switching the Machine ON
Carefully read ALL INSTRUCTIONS of this manual before turning the machine ON.
Be sure to well understand all the informa on contained in this manual. If you
have any ques on contact your supervisor or your nearest Dealer.
4.2.1 Danger
An electric cable or electric wire with damaged jacket or bad insula on might cause
electrical shocks as well as electrical leak. Before use, check the condi ons of all wires and
4.2.2 Advices
Be sure to well understand all the informa on contained in this manual. Every opera on
func on or procedure has to be thoroughly clear.
Before using any commands (switch, bu ons, lever), be sure it is the correct one. In case
of doubt, consult this manual.
4.2.3 Precau ons
The electric cable has to be compa ble with the power required by the machine.
Cables touching the floor or close to the machine need to be protected against short
The oil reservoirs have to be filled un l the indicated level. Check and refill if necessary.
4.3 Rou ne Inspec on
4.3.1 Advice
When checking the tension of the belts or chains, DO NOT insert your fingers between the
belts and the pulleys and nor between the chain and the gears.
4.3.2 Precau ons
Check the motor and sliding or turning parts of the machine in case of abnormal noises.
Check the tension of the belts and chains and replace the set when belts or chains show
signs of wearing.
When checking the tension of belts or chains DO NOT insert your fingers between belts
and pulleys, nor between the chains and gears.
Check protec ons and safety devices to make sure they are working properly.
4.4 Opera on
4.4.1 Warnings
Do not use the machine with long hair that could touch any part of the machine. This might
lead to a serious accident. Tie your hair up well and/or cover it with a scarf.
Only trained or skilled personnel shall operate this machine.
Falta de Energia eléctrica o
enchufe desconectada de la red
La maquina no se prende
El vaso no está fijado en el
soporte del vaso.
Problema en el circuito eléctrico
interno ó externo de la máquina
El volumen de producto
El contenido del Vaso se
está arriba del nivel máximo
permi do
El volumen de producto
El contenido del Vaso no está
está abajo del nivel mínimo
siendo Mezclado
permi do
6. Consejos Generales
- Do not wear loose fi ng clothes while opera ng the unit. Do not use bracelets or any
other piece of jewelry. Have your hair always shortened and held up (use hair fishnets if
necessary) in a way it cannot reach any part of the machine. Roll up any loose sleeves.
- SKYFOOD is not responsible for any harm or injury caused by the negligent or inappropriate
use of this equipment by any operator. This equipment must be operated only by persons
whose age equals or exceeds 18 years old, in a safe and sound state of mind, free from the
influence of any kind of drugs and alcohol, that received proper training and instruc ons
regarding the correct opera on of this machine, that are wearing correct and authorized
safety clothes. All and any kind of modifica ons carried on and applied to this machine
immediately nullifies any kind of warranty and may result in harm and injuries to the
individuals opera ng this machine and to individuals that are located in the machine
surrounding areas while it is being operated.
- Under no circunstances place your hands in the moving parts of the machine while it
is being used. Make sure the machine has come to a complete stop before acessing the
processed ingredients.
Verifique si la enchufe está
conectada al soquete y si hay
energia eléctrica en la red
Fije el vaso en el soporte
Llame a la asistencia técnica
Poner en el vaso un volumen
máximo de líquido de 450ml
Poner en el vaso 100 ml de