9. Electrostimulation and stimulation intensity.
Electrostimulation consists of the transmission of electric microimpulses to the human
Fields of application of electrostimulation are: pain therapy, recovery of muscle
trophism after injury or a surgical operation, athletic preparation and beauty treatments.
Specific electric impulses are used for every one of these applications.
The stimulation intensity is displayed on the SMART TENS screen for each channel
in a scale progressing from 0 to 60.
Once the initial intensity has been set, SMART TENS will proceed until it reaches the
end of the program and does not require any further action from the user.
The types of impulses can be classified as follows:
1. Tens impulse: for tens programs, the intensity should be adjusted to a level
between the thresholds of perception and pain. The maximum limit is reached when
the muscles surrounding the area treated begin to contract. We recommend to stay
below that limit.
2. Warming-up impulse: stimulation intensity must be increased gradually to improve
the metabolism of the muscle concerned progressively. A bit like like a car: the
engine needs warming-up before it is taken to full speed.
3. Toning, training, strength, speed, atrophy contraction impulse: the muscle
treated must visibly contract during a training impulse. The fact that the muscle
tends to stiffen and increase in volume will be visible. Intensity should be increased
gradually (in the first contraction) to enable you to identify the right level of
stimulation comfort. Intensity can be increased up to the personal tolerance
threshold during the second training contraction; this operation is then repeated
during each contraction until the workload reaches the level of intensity
recommended in the description of the single programs. We recommend that you
record the level of intensity reached in order to try to improve the level of
stimulation and consequently your performance.
4. Relax, draining: intensity must be adjusted gradually to massage the muscle
treated. The level of intensity should be sufficient to obtain a comfortable massage.
There is no need to endure high intensity levels in this case as it is meant to be a
massage, meaning that intensity can be increased gradually without excesses.
I.A.C.E.R. S.r.l.