Actuador vía radio, carril DIN, 1 canal
Switchon on brightness un
Invert switching output
Minimum switching repeat ti
Operating hours
Information window
During channel selection in the Information window, the following settings can be made or va
lues displayed.
Display value
Load state
Switching cycle counter
Total operating hours
Operating hours
i The value can be updated using the arrow next to the display values.
On, Off
Basic setting: Off
On, Off
Basic setting: Off
100 ms ... 10 sec
Basic setting: 100 ms
Basic setting: Current value
The load can be switched on or off.
Display of forced position status.
Display of the switching cycles with the factor
10, e.g. the value 5 x 10 is displayed for 50
switching cycles.
Display of the operating hours since the start
of operation.
Display of the operating hours since the last
restart in the Settings window.
Allows automatic switchon
according to the brightness. If
the parameter is On, then the
light controller switches on au
tomatically when the bright
ness setpoint is greatly un
dershot. We recommend only
using the parameter in con
nection with the parameter
"Switchoff on brightness
overshoot". This parameter is
not yet active, as a light con
troller has not yet been imple
Inverts the switching output
from NO contact function (fac
tory setting) to NC contact
Limits the switching speed of
the device by increasing the
value, in order to protect the
load, for example. Only when
the set time has elapsed is
switching possible again. The
last command during the bloc
king time is executed after a
delay. The switching repeat ti
me starts after each switching
The time is counted during
which the load is physically
switched on (relay contact clo
This parameter can be reset to
"0", for example after exchan
ging the load.
The Reset button is used to
reset the counter to "0". The
device must be programmed
to apply the change.