Filtering system
Dimensions of the product 34.5x25x62 cm
Water tank capacity 24 litres.
Change of multilayer filter, ceramic stone ball and mineral stone box
every 6 months aprox.
Clean the filters with water and a soft brush. Over time and due to retained
substances, impurities are deposited. (Do not use soap).
1. Silver activated carbon: Its function is to
control the bacteriostatic and reduces un-
desirable substances which may be present
in the water. Removes chlorine, trihalome-
thanes, organic chemicals, flavors, smells
and undesirable colors.
2. Mineral sand
some minerals to maintain alkalinity, thus
restoring the pH balance in the body fluids.
3. Silica sand: Removes the acid compo-
nents of the water to keep a balanced PH.
4. Silver activated carbon: Removes chlori-
ne, trihalomethanes, organic chemicals, fla-
vors, smells and undesirable colors.
5. Medical sand: It is a sterilizing material.
Kills any bacteria and prevents contamina-
tion of the water tank.
Enriches the water with