RSG Half Mask A5 User Manual June12 aw:Layout 1 12/06/2012 13:31 Page 5
When fitting RSG filters, two identical filters, suitable for the purpose for which they are to be used,
should be fitted before entering the polluted area. When replacing filters, both RSG filters must
be replaced at the same time.
At the bottom of the RSG filter, a
"marking" can be seen. Hold the filter
such that the index finger is located
opposite the "marking".
Guide the bottom of the RSG filter down
onto the filter holder. When the index
finger/"marking" is in line with the "arrow"
on the front part of the half mask, then the
filter socket and filter holder are in the
correct position.
Turn the RSG filter in the direction of the
arrow until it cannot be turned further. The
filter is then correctly fitted. The same
procedure should be followed when
fitting the second filter.
(GB) 4
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