Frequency test
1) Connect the black lead (-) to the COM input connector and the red lead (+) to the V/Ω/f input connector.
2) Set the FUNCTION switch to the KHz range to be used and connect the test leads across the source or load
under measurement.
1) Do not apply more than 220V rms to the input. Indication is possible at voltage higher than 10V rms, but readings
may be out of specification.
2) In noisy environment, it is preferable to use shield cable for measuring small signal.
Auto-Power off
1) Automatic Power-off extends the life of the battery by turning the meter off if no rotary function switch is operated
for about 15 min.
2) The meter turns back on if either the rotary switch is turned or the power switch is pressed again.
5. How to use the Holster
The holster is used to protect the meter and to make the measurement more comfortable. The following figures show
how to use the holster to:
1) Support the meter with a standard angle. (fig. a)
2) Support the meter with a small angle using the little stand.(fig. b)
3) Hang the meter on the wall using the little stand. (fig. c)
Take the little stand off from the back side of the large stand and insert it into holes located upper on the holster.
4) Hold test leads. (fig. d)
fig. a
fig. b
fig. c
fig. d
6. Battery and Fuse Replacement
If the sign " " appears on the LCD display, it indicates that the battery should be replaced. Remove screws on the
back cover and open the case. Replace the exhausted battery with a new one.
Fuse rarely needs replacement and blows usually as a result of the operator's error. Open the case as mentioned
above and take the PCB assembly out from the case. Replace the blown fuse with ratings specified.
F: F 0.2A/250V
Before attempting to open the case, be sure that test leads have been disconnected from measurement circuit to
avoid electric shock hazard.