User manual for MODECOM computer power supply
Thank you, that you have decided to purchase and install MODECOM brand power sup-
ply in your computer.
Prior to installation and initial start-up please refer to this user manual and apply to all of
its points to ensure safe, proper and long-term operation of the power supply.
Warning and safety instruction:
PC power supply is an electrical device operating at high voltage, dangerous to human
health or life: AC 220-240V / 50Hz / 4-6A. After disconnected from the mains, the power
supply still preserves dangerous high voltage in the capacitive elements (capacitors) for a
long time.
This power supply is intended only for home or office use in desktop PCs.
For safety reasons, under penalty of loss of rights resulting from the warranty / guarantee
must not do the following:
touch the power supply / PC computer with wet or damp hands or other objects.
place the computer with the power supply in the vicinity of the heater or another
heat source.
obstruct the vents and ducts of the computer.
use the power supply in conditions of increased humidity or increased dustiness.
modify the wiring and / or plugs of power supply and other components.
insert objects into the openings in power supply.
remove from the power supply any marks, seals, labels or serial numbers.
open the power supply housing.
Unauthorized enclosure opening, use of cables other than the supplied, insertion of ob-
jects in the interior may cause electric shock.
Installation / replacement of the power supply in
your computer:
Installation of power supply should be carried out by a professional service / dealer.
Before installing or replacing the power supply, please refer to the operating instructions
of the housing and other computer components. Make sure that the MODECOM power sup-
ply is properly matched to the configuration of the computer in terms of technical parameters
and will not work with a maximum load in continuous mode. This will allow a smooth and
long-term operation of your computer system.