The product covered by this guarantee certificate is protected for a
period of TWO (2) YEARS as from the date of receiving the product,
which will be taken as the date that appears on the sales receipt for the
product or on the corresponding delivery docket should this be later.
It is essential that this be presented in the event of possible repairs. The
policy regarding the warranty period may vary between different
The stated warranty period is only applicable to Europe.
‐ Repair or replacement of the product which, in such instance, will be
carried out within a reasonable period and without significant
inconvenience to the consumer, taking into account of the nature of the
‐ Those cases in which the repair or replacement represents a
goods and the purpose for which the consumer required them.
disproportionate cost for the seller in comparison with other forms of
‐ Repairs will be free for the consumer with regard to labour, materials
remedy will be exempt assuming these do not prejudice the consumer.
‐ In the event that the machine is repaired or replaced with a new one,
and carriage.
the guarantee period will be suspended temporarily until the new
appliance has been delivered and will carry at least six months of
guarantee, however under no circumstances will a new 2 year period
be initiated.
The buyer may, as is apparent, require (i) a reduction in price or proceed
to a (ii) recession of the contract when the repair or replacement is not
carried out within a reasonable time or with significant inconvenience to
the buyer. The reduction in price (i) will be proportional to the difference
between the value that the goods would have had if they had been
delivered in accordance with the contract and the actual value that the
goods were worth at the time of the said delivery. Recession of the