Confi guration of dynamic DNS
Mobile agents must have access to the internal network using the VPN hub. They have
to know the public IP address of the LYNX system. The public IP is provided by the ISP
and this can change over time. The Lynx Router has installed a dynamic DNS client for
solve the problem. It is necessary to confi gure correctly the Lynx Router with the server
data. The next screen shows the dynamic DNS options.
Protocol: The protocol to refresh de IP in the server (noip, dyndns 1 or 2).
Server: The IP or server name of the public DNS server.
Username: username for this Lynx Router instance.
Password: password for this Lynx Router instance.
Domain name: The domain name for this Lynx Router instance.
In order to confi gure the dynamic DNS the installer must run the script "DDConfi gurer"
In order to confi gure the dynamic DNS the installer must run the script "DDConfi gurer"
in the same PC connected to the router LYNX. The PC must be connected to Internet.
This script will. Once the DDConfi gurer has been executed, the DNS confi guration is
fi lled in automatically, displaying a unique number for the router and the dynamic DNS
Note: The script "DDConfi gurer" can be downloaded in