B L U E T O O T H C O N F I G U R A T I O N S E T T I N G S ( C O N T ' D )
2. Click on "Configuration".
a) The "General" tab of
"Configuration" allows you to
customize the computer's user
name, type, and security type.
b) The "Accessibility" tab allows
you to specify which individual
devices are allowed to access
the user's computer.
c) The "Discovery" tab allows you
to specify which individual
devices, type of, or class of
device the user's computer is
allowed access to.
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B L U E T O O T H C O N F I G U R A T I O N S E T T I N G S ( C O N T ' D )
d) The "Information Exchange" tab allows you to specify the location of different types
of files.
e) The "Local Services" tab indicates the services this computer makes available to
other computers.
f) The "Client Applications" tab indicates the properties of each application.
g) The "Hardware" tab indicates device information of the user's hardware.
h) The "Version Info" tab indicates the module version of the user's software component.
i) The "Notifications" tab lets you associate a sound (Windows*.wav file) with specific
Bluetooth events.