fIGurE 11
Arc Adjustment Procedure
All adjustments are initiated by inserting the small end of the
T-handle tool or the plastic end of the Hunter wrench into the
riser's adjustment socket. The adjustment socket can be found on
the riser's upper surface (fig 12). Insert the tool into the socket to
engage the adjustment mechanism. Again, all arc adjustments must
be made with the turret oriented to the right fixed side of the arc as
outlined in the section above.
To increase the arc of coverage – insert the tool into the adjustment
socket (fig 12) and make sure the nozzle housing is at the right arc
stop position. Each full turn of the tool to the right (clockwise) will
increase the arc by 45 degrees. Two full turns of the tool will result
in a 90-degree increase in the arc of coverage. The arc is infinitely
adjustable from 40 to 360 degrees. When maximum arc is reached,
the tool will stop turning or, a ratcheting sound will be heard. To
check the arc setting, rotate the turret back and forth. If further
adjustments are required, repeat the steps above.
To decrease the arc of coverage – insert the tool into the adjustment
socket (fig 12) and make sure the nozzle housing is at the right
arc stop position. Each full turn of the tool to the left (counter-
clockwise) will decrease the arc by 45 degrees. Two full turns of the
fIGurE 12
tool will result in a 90-degree decrease in the arc of coverage. The
arc is infinitely adjustable from 40 to 360 degrees. When minimum
arc is reached, the tool will stop turning or, a ratcheting sound will
be heard. To check the arc setting, rotate the turret back and forth.
If further adjustments are required, repeat the steps above.
Area to be irrigated – set the arc to the estimated setting by first
aligning the right fixed stop to the right boundary of the area to be
irrigated. It is important to note that unlike natural turf irrigation,
synthetic turf does not require water to keep it green. As a result,
arc adjustments for synthetic turf rotors are only made with the
intent to cover (cool) target areas on the synthetic surface. For
instance, if the field is encircled by a running track, it is likely the
arc adjustments will be set to cover well away from the running
surface and targeted more to the actual playing surface. Also, since
synthetic turf irrigation is more often applied during the day when
there are prevailing winds, arc adjustments should take this factor in
to consideration as well.
Once the area to be irrigated is determined, align the right arc stop
with that right boundary. Then, make adjustments to the left adjustable
stop to align with the left boundary of the area to be irrigated.
replacing riser into the rotor body
Adjustable part-circle risers must be inserted such that the arc
setting aligns to the area to be irrigated. All Hunter adjustable
arc rotors have a fixed stop on the right side of the arc and an
adjustable stop on the left side of the arc. Rotate the nozzle
housing (turret) back and forth to find the right fixed stop. With the
riser positioned to the right fixed arc stop, oriented and point the
long-range nozzle to the right side of the area to be irrigated. Drop
the riser into position within the rotor's body and press downward
as far as it will go.